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How to Make a Homemade Dog Muzzle

| Updated August 11, 2017


  • Dogs with shorter snouts such as a bulldog or Boston terrier can't be muzzled in this way. Never leave a muzzle on a dog for an extended period.

The ability to make a homemade muzzle quickly out of common materials found in your house is a handy skill to have in emergencies. An injured or frightened dog will often bite. Being able to prevent this and keep your dog under control could save injury to yourself, your family or your dog.

Tie a slipknot in the center of the rope to make a muzzle. This knot should be large enough to slip over your dog's nose and mouth and tighten down.

Calm your dog before muzzling it. It's easy for an agitated dog to turn and bite. Try to stand behind the dog, speak calmly to it and let it know where you are at all times. Gently slip the muzzle over the dog's nose and mouth. Arrange it so that the muzzle is closer to the eyes.

Quickly tighten the muzzle. Wrap the trailing ends of the rope around the dog's mouth once or twice to secure it. Then tie the ends behind the dog's head under the ears. Tie the muzzle in a bow rather than a knot so that it can be quickly removed if need be.

Watch your pet carefully. If it's having trouble breathing, passes out or may vomit, remove the muzzle.