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How to Make a Rope Halter for a Goat

| Updated August 11, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • 1/2-inch poly rope (approximately 7 feet)

  • Utility scissors

  • Hog rings

  • Pliers

  • 1/2-inch metal rope clips


  • Poly rope is available in a range of colors and thicknesses at both online and brick-and-mortar tack, leather and livestock supply stores.

    This rope halter design allows you to adjust it to fit most adult goats and includes a 4- to 5-foot-long lead rope for easier handling.

Although you can lead most goats easily with a simple collar, those goats with more stubborn natures may need a halter in place before they’ll follow you. According to Gail Damerow, author of “Your Goats,” a halter provides an ideal way for you to control and guide your goat’s direction and speed. Halters work particularly well when you’re training young pack goats to carry supplies.

Measure the bridge of your goat’s nose. Position the end of the tape measure on one side of the goat’s face, midway between the goat’s ear and the corner of its mouth. Extend the tape measure across the bridge of your goat’s nose to the same spot on the other side of its face. Add 5 inches to this measurement and cut a length of poly rope that equals this amount to serve as the halter nose piece. For example, if your goat’s nose measurement is 6 inches, then you’ll want to cut a length of poly rope that is 11 inches long.

Cut an additional length of poly rope that measures 5 to 6 feet long to serve as the lead rope. Slide a hog ring onto each end of both lengths of poly rope and tighten them into place with a pair of pliers to keep the rope ends from unraveling. Locate the hog rings within ½ inch of the rope ends.

Double 2 1/2 inches of one end of the poly rope nose piece back on itself to create a small open loop. Secure the loop in place with a ½-inch metal rope clip, leaving enough room to create a 1-inch loop. Squeeze the rope clip with the pincers on a pair of pliers until it closes completely around the rope. Repeat this entire process on the other side of the halter nose piece.

Thread one end of the rope lead through one of the nose piece loops. Wrap the rope lead end back on itself and secure it in place with another ½-inch metal rope clip. This point marks the beginning of the circle you’ll create with the rope lead to encircle your goat’s head with the halter. Thread the other end of the rope lead through the loop on the opposite side of the nose lead to create the neck strap for your goat halter.

Bring the end of the rope lead around to the first nose piece again to finish the circle shape. This section of the rope lead goes over the back of your goat’s head, behind its ears. Thread the lead rope through the first loop on the nose piece. Adjust the size of the halter at this location to allow it to fit your goat exactly. Loosen the halter at this location to put the halter on and to take the halter off.