20 Animals Acting Like Total Dads

The animal kingdom is full of dads. Some of them are total deadbeats (we're looking at you, grizzly bears), but others play an active role in raising their offspring.

1. Buffalo dad says that mowing the lawn builds character and teaches responsibility: "Son, one day all this grass will be yours."

2. "Got yer nose!"

3. When you're a kid, your dad seems invincible: "My daddy can eat your daddy"

4. "Go out there and give 'em heck, kiddo."

5. Dad always has your back.

6. "I don't know—what did your mother say?"

7. Cat dad is watching the football game in the distance while pretending to pay attention to the kittens

Tale as old as time.

8. No list of animal dads would be complete without mentioning Marlin and Nemo.

9. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, a lion takes a nap.

10. "Alright kid, hold on tight while Dad shows you how fast he can go."

11. "I'm 18, Dad, I can have an earring if I want"

Dad loves you, even if he makes fun of your fashion choices.

12. TFW your parents get all gross and lovey-dovey.

13. "A plumber is too dam expensive. I can fix it myself!"

14. "Did I ever tell you kids about the time I played trumpet with Sinatra? I'll never forget it."

15. Reason why Dads shouldn't dance, exhibit #1

His main purpose in life is to embarrass you.

16. "Tell your mom that the grill is ready!"

17. "Are you sure he's mine? Just kidding, he has my spikes."

18. "Quit monkeying around back there!"

19. Mom makes good pancakes, but Dad's regurgitated shrimp is the best.

20. Shout out to male seahorses, who give birth to hundreds of babies, and don't play favorites.

