Russian Blue Cat Breed Facts & Information

We know when you're looking to adopt a cat, there are so many great breeds to choose from.

If you're looking for a feline friend that is less likely to tickle your allergies, but still an affectionate and sweet companion, then the Russian blue cat might be perfect for you.


These cats are beautiful to look at, lower in the protein that tickles our allergies, and they're shy but sweet in disposition. So if you think you need a cat like that, here are all the facts about the Russian blue that you need to know.

Russian blue cat basics

The Russian blue is an affectionate but very shy cat. These adorable, silvery, and gray short hairs love being around their people, but they won't be distraught if you need to leave them while at work. They're smart, observant, and curious, so you can expect a playful and occasionally mischievous cat. However, these kitties love routines and will appreciate stability in their life.


Russian blues are overall a healthy, breed but one disease that they have a tendency for is bladder stones. Also, these cats have a voracious appetite, typically, so they can become overweight. So you'll need to manage their food and exercise carefully to keep these cats svelte and healthy.

Russian blue cat history

These icy blue kitties have something of a storied history. Most evidence suggests that these cats originate just south of the Arctic Circle in the Russian port city of Archangel. These cats were historically popular pets with the Russian Tsars. One of the clearest early records of the Russian blue is in 1875 when a silver-blue cat called the "Archangel Cat" appeared on display at the Crystal Palace in Great Britain. Queen Victoria was charmed by the kitty and even adopted one into her collection.


The breed was lumped in with other blue cat breeds for years, but Russian blue became an official breed in 1912.

Russian blue cat personality

Russian blue cats are very affectionate, but they're also shy and relatively independent. They don't mind being left alone while their humans go to work. They tend to shy away when new people come into the home, and they won't be the type of cats to follow their humans from room to room.


If you're looking for a good family cat, know that Russian blues tend to be good with older children that know how to be respectful. They also get along well with cat-friendly dogs.

Russian blues are somewhat playful and can enjoy a little fetch or feather toy. But because they are so smart, their favorite game is making their humans do what they want. They also love to jump, climb, and they love to try squeezing into tiny spaces. They also love puzzles and challenges, so giving them toys that challenge their brains will keep them occupied for hours.

Russian cat appearance

Russian blues are a popular breed thanks to their good looks. They have lovely silver-blue short hair and glowing green eyes. Their thick blue coat is relatively easy to maintain with a few simple brushings once or twice a week. It will require more brushing when it sheds seasonally.


Many people think the Russian blue is hypoallergenic, and it does produce less of the protein that causes allergies, along with mostly only shedding seasonally. However, it still produces some of the allergic protein, so it can still cause allergies.

Russian blue cat essential facts

  • Personality: ​Affectionate, reserved, smart
  • Shedding: ​Seasonal, somewhat hypoallergenic
  • Grooming: ​Weekly
  • Good with Children: ​Yes
  • Good with Other Pets:​ Yes
  • Size:​ Medium
  • Weight:​ 5-11 pounds
  • Life Expectancy:​ 10-15 years

