Can Cats Eat Rice?

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Can cats have rice?
Image Credit: bennyartist/iStock/GettyImages

Can cats eat rice? There are a lot of people foods that are dangerous for cats, but cooked rice is fine in most cases. If your cat sneaks a few grains of this food staple, he will not get sick. Bland, plain, prepared rice is safe for cats. However, this does not need to be an everyday food for them.


Is rice good for cats? In some instances, it can be a soothing part of their diet. Rice has binding properties, so adding it to your pet's food if he is ill gives him an easily digestible meal that will provide energy and can help settle his stomach. Also, if your cat sneaks some rice as an occasional treat, he will be fine. However, avoid feeding it to your pet regularly, as the excess carbohydrates can lead to weight gain in your cat, which puts him at risk for other health issues.

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Rice for a cat's bland diet

Cats typically eat dry food or wet food from a can. Cats can eat rice if they are not feeling well. If your cat has stomach issues or catches a virus, she may not be able to keep down much food. Your pet's veterinarian may recommend feeding her a bland diet. This can include unseasoned baked chicken breast, banana, and pumpkin as well as keeping lots of fluids available to encourage hydration in your cat. Rice cooked with no salt or seasoning is a good choice for extra energy, and it is easily digestible.


What if your pet breaks into a bag of rice before you have a chance to prepare it? If you see her eat uncooked rice, it's best to stop this habit. It's not very easy for felines to digest, and it has very little benefit to them.

Can cats eat noodles?

Image Credit: vladans/iStock/GettyImages

Similar to rice, wheat or rice pasta is safe for cats, but it's not something they need in their diet. For the most part, cats have not been known to have gluten allergies, so noodles can be safely fed to your cat occasionally, though they should not be a main source of food.


Because of its carbohydrate content, too much pasta can make cats gain weight. Obesity in cats leads to kidney problems and joint issues and can contribute to poor heart health through a sedentary lifestyle. Like rice, plain, cooked pasta can be part of a bland diet when your cat is not feeling well, and it can be given to help soothe a cat's upset stomach.


Cat nutritional needs

The primary element that should make up your cat's diet is lean meat. Since cats are obligate carnivores, they need high amounts of protein to thrive, and they will get moisture from canned food or by drinking some water. Fresh water should always be made available to your feline, though cats sometimes do not drink a lot. Everything your cat needs will typically be found in a dry or wet cat food, and if you need help choosing the right kind, you can ask your veterinarian.



Anything beyond meat should be considered a supplement to your cat's diet and is not necessary for him to survive. Apples, bananas, and blueberries are good choices and are safe for your cat. Avoid fruits with pits and large seeds or make sure they are removed before giving them to your pet.


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Constipated cats or those prone to hairballs benefit from eating pureed pumpkin, as it provides extra moisture and fiber to help get things moving. If your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea, however, your veterinarian may recommend temporarily giving him a bland diet, which can include boiled chicken, plain rice, bananas, and bread. Always visit your veterinarian before attempting to treat your cat's illness, however, as digestive issues in cats can be a sign of allergies or another serious medical condition.

