Just 19 Ridiculously Awkward Photos Of Dogs

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All dogs are beautiful. Not all dogs are photogenic.

1. "Is this a good angle?"

2. When you're trippin hard and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror

Whoa ... dude ...


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

3. "My friend wanted a dog so he went and adopted Hank. He is a little different."

Hank is a very special pup.


4. Belly flop!

5. "I got this. No, wait, I don't got this!"

6. When you accidentally open the front facing camera on your phone.

7. "Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm very comfortable. Thank you for asking."

8. Graceful. Athletic. Svelte. OH CRAP.

9. Doing your feets a nom!

10. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

11. Some dogs will stop at nothing to catch their tail.

12. Apparently it's a trend.

13. Perfection.

14. Looks like someone is destined for Broadway!

15. "Is that pizza? I like pizza ..."


17. "She farted right before this photo was taken."



18. Doing the windows a heckin good wash.

19. They look so sweet when they're sleeping, don't they?
