Oh, Just 17 Chubby Baby Animals

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Chunky babies are the cutest babies. Here is photographic proof.

1. This is what science calls a chunk fox.

2. Even vegans can be chunky.

3. Fatty baby platy!

4. Penguin babies are chunky because insulation.

5. Same for these little chunks.

6. "Where is my breakfast!"

7. Oh, opossum baby.

He scream.


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8. You need a lot of stripes to cover all this adorable chunk.

9. And this derpy little chunky hedgehog baby ...

10. Elephant babies are very playful and very chunky.

11. Pug pups are the chunkiest pups.

12. Ah, here we have two grade A chunks of bun.

13. Lil' chunkopotamus.

14. She looks sad. Maybe we otter give her a treat.

15. Chunky lil' baby rattie.

16. Baby dolphins are pleasantly plump.

17. Hi there, chunky panda baby!
