20 Truths You Know When Your Children Are Cats

Your life really changes when you have a (fur) child.

1. "All my friends are having babies and I'm over here like"

2. My child loves to help.

3. We could play patty cake for hours.

4. Happy birthday, my special child!

5. Such a good baby!

6. Just relaxing with my child!

7. He's always so happy right when he wakes up!

8. Now that I have a child, I don't get to go out much anymore. Oh well!

9. We had to promise him ice cream after our Christmas card portrait to get him to sit still.

10. It will break my heart when my child doesn't believe in Santa anymore.

11. It's important to read to your child.

12. Look how adorable my baby is.

13. "I started fostering kittens about a month ago. This is my life now."

Bless people who take in foster children.

14. My child loves dressing up for Halloween.

Maybe when he's older he can pick out his own costume.

15. My child never fusses when I put him down for a nap.

16. A picture of my child and me.

17. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to do some chores around here.

18. My children are so interested in science!

19. I'm so proud of my child!!

20. Kids these days are so good at technology!

