20 Dogs Just Hanging Out On Roofs For Some Reason

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These dogs are not professional roofers, but they are professional woofers, and that's close enough.

1. "Come join me!"

2. Imagine this is the first thing you see when you pull into your driveway

3. Surveying the kingdom.

4. Very grateful doggo thanks rescuer.

5. Looking to start a conversation with the neighbors?

6. You'll never see these guard dogs coming.

7. "Yes, I had a very nice time, thank you."

8. Keep driving. Nothing to see here.

9. These two are more in the roof than on it.

10. Start small.

11. "I'm grounded for a week, but it was worth it."



Video of the Day

Video of the Day

12. How??? Why??? Back to how???

13. "Oh... you're home early."

14. "Mom! Don't forget to buy me canned fooooooood!"

15. Majestic woofer.

16. "Someone should look at these shingles before the rainy season."

17. "Yesterday, around 8:00am Ramsey Police and Ramsey Fire responded to a dog on the roof near the 7300 block of 147th Ter NW."

"The dog had made it through the screen window and was walking around the townhome roof."

"With the help of Ramsey Police and Ramsey Fire ...

... the dog was safely returned inside the home."

Probably should have just stayed inside, my dude.



18. Well, you can't beat the view.

19. ♫ "The cold never bothered me anyway!" ♫

20. "Uh... now what?"
