300 Unique Spanish Names For Dogs

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There are many great Spanish names for your dog.
Image Credit: Brighton Dog Photography/Moment/GettyImages

Whether you've traveled to Spain numerous times or just can't get enough of the Spanish food sold on your block, you may be a lover of all things Spanish! Why not share that amor with your doggo? Fido and Rex are fine names, but perhaps you want to switch things up a bit and add a little Spanish flavor to your dog's name. Here are 300 Spanish names perfect for your pup!


Spanish names for girl dogs

Video of the Day

  • Abril
  • Adriana
  • Africa (Not just a continent, a popular girl's name in Spain!)
  • Aina
  • Ainara
  • Ainhoa
  • Aitana
  • Alba
  • Alejandra
  • Alexia
  • Alma
  • Ana
  • Andrea
  • Ane
  • Angela
  • Anna
  • Ariadna
  • Arlet
  • Aroa
  • Aya
  • Azahara
  • Berta
  • Blanca
  • Bonita
  • Candela
  • Carla
  • Carlita
  • Carlota
  • Carmen
  • Carolina
  • Cayetana
  • Celia
  • Chica
  • Chloe
  • Clara
  • Claudia
  • Cloe
  • Cristina
  • Daniela
  • Elena
  • Elia
  • Elsa
  • Emma
  • Eva
  • Gabriela
  • Helena
  • Ines
  • Iria
  • Iris
  • Isabel
  • Jana
  • Jimena
  • Julia
  • Laia
  • Lara
  • Leire
  • Leyre
  • Lia
  • Linda (it means "cute" in Spanish and makes a great name)


Video of the Day

  • Lola
  • Lucia
  • Luna
  • Malak
  • Manuela
  • Mar
  • Mara
  • Maria
  • Marina
  • Marisol
  • Marta
  • Martina
  • Mia
  • Mireia
  • Miriam
  • Nadia
  • Nahia
  • Naia
  • Naiara
  • Natalia
  • Nayara
  • Nerea
  • Noa
  • Noelia
  • Nora
  • Nuria
  • Olivia
  • Ona
  • Paola
  • Paula
  • Rocío
  • Salma
  • Sara
  • Silvia
  • Sofia
  • Triana
  • Valentina
  • Valeria
  • Vega
  • Vera
  • Victoria
  • Zoe

Spanish names for boy dogs

  • A.B. or Abe (Short for Abraham)
  • Adelmo
  • Adrian
  • Aimar
  • Aitor
  • Aleix
  • Alejandro
  • Alfonso
  • Alonso
  • Alvaro
  • Andres
  • Angel
  • Antonio
  • Arnau
  • Asier
  • Biel
  • Bruno
  • Carlos
  • Che
  • Chico
  • Cortez
  • Cristian
  • Cruz
  • Dario
  • Diego
  • Uardo (Short for Eduardo)
  • Enrique
  • Enzo
  • Fabio (For the pups with long, gorgeous manes)
  • Fernando
  • Franscisco
  • Gabriel
  • Gael
  • Gonzalo
  • Guillermo
  • Gustavo
  • Hector
  • Hugo
  • Ibai
  • Iggy (Short for Ignacio)
  • Ismael
  • Izan
  • Jaime
  • Jan
  • Javier
  • Jesus
  • Joan
  • Jorge
  • José
  • Juan
  • Julen
  • Leo
  • Luca
  • Lucas
  • Luis


  • Manuel
  • Marc
  • Marco
  • Mario
  • Martí
  • Martin
  • Mateo
  • Mauro
  • Miguel
  • Milo
  • Nicolas
  • Nil
  • Oscar
  • Pablo
  • Pau
  • Pedro
  • Pol
  • Rafael
  • Rayan
  • Rodrigo
  • Ruben
  • Santiago
  • Saul
  • Sergio
  • Thiago
  • Unai
  • Victor
  • Viddy (Short for David)
  • Yago
  • Youssef

Gender neutral Spanish names for dogs

  • Amadis
  • Ario
  • Belén
  • Belleza (Spanish for beauty!)
  • Castel
  • Ceri
  • Dani
  • Desi
  • Devi
  • Eli
  • Jaide
  • Jules
  • Lani
  • Linden
  • Mani
  • Marion
  • Ora
  • Paz
  • Rai
  • Sage
  • Sol
  • Valentine


Fun and funny Spanish names for dogs

  • Amigo
  • Amor (There's no love like puppy love!)
  • Arco Iris (Spanish for rainbow)
  • Besos (Spanish for kisses)
  • BreyBrey (Named after Spain's prime minister Mariano Rajoy Brey)
  • Bueno
  • Descarado (Spanish for sassy if you have a feisty little pup)
  • Diez (Because your dog is a perfect ten)
  • Dinero (Because that pup is worth all the money in the world)
  • Goal (But of of course you have to pronounce it Gooooooooooooooal)
  • Grande (For the Great Danes out there)
  • Loca
  • Loco


  • Pequeño (For the little guys)
  • Perrito (Spanish for puppy because your dog will always be your baby)
  • Perro (Spanish for dog if you want to get straight to the point)
  • Tonto (Spanish for silly)
  • Torpe (It's the Spanish for awkward if you have a doggo who's just a little clumsy)
  • Turas (Short for aventuras which means adventure)
  • Uno (Because your dog is number one!)



Names for dogs inspired by Spanish food.

  • Bravas (Short for Patatas Bravas)
  • Catalana (Short for Crema Catalana)
  • Chorizo
  • Churro
  • Croquetas
  • Empanada
  • Fabada
  • Gaz or Pacho (Short for Gazpacho)
  • Jamón (Because ham is delicious)
  • Leche
  • Migas
  • Pisto
  • Pypy (Short for Paella)
  • Rejo (Short for Salmorejo)
  • Tigres (A seafood dish, not an actual tiger but it works for dogs with a roaring spirit!)


Names for dogs inspired by Spanish futbol (soccer) stars

  • Costa (Diego da Silva Costa)
  • Iker (Iker Casillas Fernández)
  • Isco (Francisco Román Alarcón Suárez)
  • Jordi (Jordi Alba Ramos)
  • Koke (Jorge Resurrección Merodio who's known as Koke because why not?)
  • Luján (Andrés Iniesta Luján)
  • Mata (Juan Manuel Mata García)
  • Messi (Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini)
  • Nacho (José Ignacio Fernández Iglesias who's more commonly known as Nacho)
  • Pep (Josep "Pep" Guardiola)
  • Pepe (José Manuel "Pepe" Reina Páez)
  • Piqué or Bernabéu (Gerard Piqué Bernabéu)
  • Ramos (Sergio Ramos)
  • Raúl (Raúl González Blanco… also, how cool would it be to have a dog named Raúl?)
  • Santi (Santiago "Santi" Cazorla González)
  • Sanz (Fernando José Torres Sanz)
  • Silva (David Silva)
  • Villa (David Villa)
  • Xabi (Xabier "Xabi" Alonso Olano)
  • Xavi or Creus (Xavier Hernández Creus)
  • Zarra (Pedro Telmo Zarraonandía Montoya)


Spanish colors that make perfect dog names

  • Amarillo (Yellow -for the dogs with a sunny disposition!)
  • Azul (Appropriate for pups with fiercely blue eyes)
  • Blanco (For the dogs with snowy manes)
  • Gris (For the gray dogs that could pass as wolves)
  • Marrón (For those pups with shiny, brown manes)
  • Oro (Because your dog wins a gold medal in love and friendship)
  • Pimienta (For your salt and pepper dogs)
  • Platino (It means platinum and that's how important your doggo is)
  • Rojo (For pups with fiery personalities!)
  • Violente (It means violet and sounds awesome)

Names inspired by Spanish cities

  • Almy (Short for Almería)
  • Avila
  • Barcy (Short for Barcelona)
  • Burgos
  • Cádiz
  • Cata or Loni (Short for Catalonia)
  • Córdoba
  • Coruña
  • Espana (The obvious… Spanish for Spain!)
  • GeeGee (Short for Gijón)
  • Govi (Short for Segovia)
  • Ibiza
  • León

  • Log (Short for Logroño)

  • Madrid (Or Maddy for short)

  • Málaga

  • Marbella (Bella for short!)

  • Merida

  • Murcia

  • Palmas

  • Ronda

  • Toledo

  • Valencia

  • Valla (Short for Valladolid)

  • Vee (Short for Seville)

  • Vigo

Need more ideas for your dog's name?

The possibilities are endless when it comes to finding the perfect name for your new fur baby. Check out these pet name lists for even more creative ideas!

