Whether you have a Rottweiler guard dog or a Bolognese that lives in your purse, you want your dog to have a strong name that will carry her through life with pride.
Finding that perfect name for your pup can be a tough process, but do not fear — we're here to help! Here are 245 handpicked identifiers that will make your dog feel like she has the strength of an army.
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Strong female names for dogs.
- Acadia
- Akita
- Alaska
- Alexis
- Ambrosia
- Amethyst
- Andromeda
- Angelina
- Astra
- Avril
- Bey (named after Queen Beyonce herself)
- Blaze
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Brooklyn
- Callisto
- Codex
- Crash
- Crusher
- Diamond
- Diva
- Duchess
- Ebony
- Echo
- Elektra
- Exene (in honor of the singer of the same name from LA punk icons X)
- Frannie
- Freya
- Frida
- Harley
- Hecuba
- Heroine
- Huntress
- Indiana (Indy)
- J.K. Growling
- Jade
- Jedi
- Jinx
- Jojo
- Justice
- Kaia
- Kitana
- Koda
- Laika
- Lakin
- Leia
- Leisel
- Liberty
- Lola
- Medusa
- Mercy
- Midnight
- Miss Beazley
- Mystique
- Ninja
- Nyx
- Olga
- Olympia
- Pepper
- Power
- Punky
- Pyro
- Queen
- Queenie
- Raven
- Rebel
- Ripley
- Rogue
- Rousey (named after Mixed Martial Arts fighter Ronda Rousey)
- Roxy
- Sable
- Samus
- Sassy
- Shadow
- Sheba
- Sissy
- Sloane
- Starbuck
- Steel
- Steffi
- Tackle
- Teegan
- Tiger
- Timber
- Ursa
- Ursula
- Vicious Vicky
- Vixen
- Willow
- Winter
- Wonder Woman
- Wrigley
- Xena
- Yuna
- Zilla
Strong male names for dogs.
- Aragorn (like the character from Tolkien's Lord of The Rings trilogy)
- Axel
- Bamm-Bamm
- Bandit
- Bear
- Beast
- Beefy
- Beaux
- Bones
- Boomer
- Brock
- Bronson
- Bronx
- Bruiser
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bugsy
- Buster
- Buzz
- Commish
- Compton
- Conan
- Deke
- Doyle
- Duke
- Floyd
- Herc
- Jimbo
- Kane
- King
- Mace
- Mack
- Meatball
- Mick
- Murph
- Roman
- Rooster
- Rubbles
- Sarge
- Sid Vicious
- Sonny
- Spike
- Spinks
- Tex
- Tyson
- Vince
- Vlad
- Xander
- Zeus
- Zod
Badass guard dog names.
- Bench
- Butcher
- Cush
- Diesel
- Dozer
- Fang
- Fender
- Gorilla
- Gunner
- Knuckles
- Kojak
- Kong
- Nails
- O.G.
- Pistol
- Pusher
- Slash
- T-Bone
Dog names inspired by strong leaders.
- Albright
- Ceasar
- Charlemagne
- Che
- Churchill
- Cleopatra
- Davis (Angela Davis)
- Evita
- Ginsburg
- Grant
- Hillary
- Huey P.
- Joan of Arc
- Kennedy
- King
- Lincoln
- Mahatma
- Malcolm
- Mandela
- Milk
- Napoleon
- Obama
- Parks
- Princess Di
- Roosevelt
- Thatcher
- Ulysses
- Winfrey
- X
Strong dog names inspired by sports and athletes.
- Beckham
- Bolt
- Cena (as in John Cena)
- Court
- Crossfit
- Field
- Hagler or Hags (like the boxer)
- Jordan
- Kaepernick
- LeBron
- Lift
- Mayweather
- Nadal
- Novak
- Phelps
- Ronaldo
- Serena
- Touchdown
- Track
- Venus
Strong dog names inspired by pop culture.
- Alien
- Andy Warhowl
- Bark Ruffalo
- Brando
- Butch (like the boxer portrayed by Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction)
- Callahan (as in Dirty Harry, the hardboiled cop played by Clint Eastwood)
- Chopper (like the junkyard dog from 1986's Stand By Me)
- Clubber (Rocky's foil in Rocky III, played by Mr. T)
- Corleone
- Drax
- Durden (as in Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club)
- Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger's character from Predator)
- Groot (as in the character from Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy franchise)
- Hooch (the dog from the 1989 Tom Hanks vehicle of the same name)
- Hulk
- Indiana Bones
- Jaws
- Rambo
- Joplin
- Katniss
- L.L. Drool J
- Lolita
- Luke (as in Luke Cage, the Marvel superhero)
- Notorious D.I.G. (or Diggie Smalls)
- Quint (the hardscrabble fisherman from Jaws)
- Red ( Morgan Freeman's character from the film The Shawshank Redemption)
- Riggs (Mel Gibson's character from the Lethal Weapon films)
- Rocky
- Snake (as in Snake Plissken of the Escape From New York movies)
- Snarls Barkley
- Strummer (as in Joe, co-founder of the band, The Clash)
- Thor
- Washington (no one is stronger than Denzel)
For even more inspiration to name your dog.
You want to make sure you give your dog a name that you will love for a lifetime. Take your time and choose carefully; your pup will thank you! For even more doggy naming inspiration, check out these helpful lists below!