426 Scottish Names For Your Dog

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If you're looking for a Scottish name for your Scottish terrier or Scottish deerhound (or any breed of dog, tbh), here are 426 suggestions to inspire your pet-naming process.


Scottish names for male dogs:

Video of the Day

  • Aberdeen
  • Ackerman
  • Ackland
  • Acton
  • Agan
  • Agar
  • Aidan
  • Aindrea
  • Alaister
  • Alan
  • Alasdair
  • Aldridge
  • Alec
  • Alford
  • Alfred
  • Alistar
  • Alpin
  • Alpine
  • Alvin
  • Amherst
  • Anders
  • Aneirin
  • Angus
  • Archibald
  • Archie


Video of the Day

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  • Argyle
  • Artair
  • Ashby
  • Ashford
  • Aston
  • Atherton
  • Baber
  • Bagley
  • Bain
  • Baker
  • Balfour
  • Ballard
  • Bard
  • Barton
  • Bath
  • Beathan
  • Berkeley
  • Bernard
  • Bhaltair
  • Bodie
  • Boyd
  • Brodie
  • Bruce
  • Bryce
  • Bunyan
  • Burns
  • Burr
  • Burt
  • Cailean
  • Calder
  • Calum
  • Camden
  • Camus
  • Carr
  • Carson
  • Channing


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  • Chip
  • Cináed
  • Clark
  • Clyde
  • Coby
  • Coinneach
  • Colin
  • Collins
  • Conall
  • Conant
  • Connor
  • Conway
  • Corkin
  • Cowan
  • Craig
  • Cricton
  • Croft
  • Darrow
  • Davis
  • Deacon
  • Denton
  • Deòrsa
  • Desmond
  • Dougal
  • Douglas
  • Dowell
  • Drake
  • Driscol
  • Duff
  • Duffy
  • Dugal
  • Duncan
  • Dunn
  • Eachann
  • Eaton
  • Edmund
  • Edward
  • Edwin
  • Ewan
  • Faden
  • Fagan
  • Falkland
  • Fearchar
  • Fergus
  • Findlay
  • Fingal
  • Finlay
  • Finley
  • Finn


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  • Fintan
  • Fletcher
  • Forbes
  • Fraser
  • Frazier
  • Gallagher
  • Gavin
  • Gibbs
  • Gibson
  • Gilford
  • Goodrich
  • Gordon
  • Graham
  • Granger
  • Grant
  • Gunn
  • Halifax
  • Hamish
  • Hansel
  • Heckie
  • Hector
  • Henry
  • Herbert
  • Herman
  • Holcombe
  • Hume
  • Hunter
  • Hurst
  • Iain
  • Ian
  • Ivor
  • Jack
  • Keir
  • Keith
  • Kenneth
  • Kenzie
  • Kilgour
  • Kincade
  • Kirk



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  • Kyle
  • Lachlan
  • Laddie
  • Lean
  • Magoon
  • MaguireMalcolm
  • Maleod
  • Marcas
  • Maxwell
  • McCree
  • McDuff
  • McFadden
  • McFee
  • McGill
  • McGinnis
  • McGowan
  • McGrath
  • McIntyre
  • McKay
  • McNamara
  • McRuff
  • Michael
  • Montgomery
  • Moore
  • Morton
  • Muir
  • Mulligan
  • Mungo
  • Munroe
  • Murdo
  • Murray
  • Naomhán
  • Neil
  • Nevis
  • Newbury
  • Niblick
  • Nicol
  • Ninian
  • Ogden
  • Osborn
  • Oscar
  • Oswald
  • Pàdraig
  • Patton


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  • Pherson
  • Plaid
  • Putter
  • Quid
  • Rabbie
  • Ralph
  • Ralston
  • Ramsey
  • Ranald
  • Ranulf
  • Reed
  • Reid
  • Remy
  • Reynold
  • Richmond
  • Rorie
  • Ross
  • Roy
  • Ruadh
  • Sawney
  • Scott
  • Shawn
  • Shone
  • Shug
  • Sim
  • Stanwood
  • Steenie
  • Sterling
  • Stewart
  • Stuart
  • Sweeney


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  • Tadg
  • Tam Lin
  • Tasgall
  • Tavis
  • Tavish
  • Toaty
  • Wallace
  • Walter
  • Watson
  • Whiting
  • Wickham
  • Wickliff
  • Wylie


Scottish names for female dogs:

  • Abi
  • Ada
  • Adair
  • Adaira
  • Aifric
  • Aila
  • Aileen
  • Alba
  • Alice
  • Allie
  • Ally
  • Anice
  • Annag
  • Artis
  • Barabal
  • Beitris
  • Bonnie
  • Bretta
  • Brodie
  • Cailean
  • Cait
  • Caitlan
  • Caitriona
  • Caledonia
  • Caoimhe
  • Cassidy
  • Coira
  • Cora
  • Cori
  • Crichton
  • Crissie
  • Cullodena
  • Dacey
  • Davina
  • Deidra
  • Dixie
  • Ealair
  • Edith
  • Edna
  • Effie
  • Eimhir
  • Ellie
  • Elspeth
  • Elspeth
  • Enya
  • Eva
  • Fenella
  • Fergie


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  • Fia
  • Fiona
  • Flora
  • Garia
  • Gavenia
  • Gilbarta
  • Glenna
  • Gordania
  • Gormlaith
  • Grizel
  • Grizela
  • Hydra
  • Inglis
  • Iona
  • Isla
  • Isobel
  • Jean
  • Jessie
  • Jinny
  • Kellee
  • Kenna
  • Kerry
  • Kinny
  • Kirstin
  • Lachina
  • Laire
  • Lara
  • Lassie
  • Lesley
  • Lileas
  • Liùsaidh
  • Lorna
  • Machara
  • Maggie
  • Mairead
  • Màiri
  • Maisie
  • Malvina
  • Marcail
  • Marsaili
  • Maura
  • May
  • Moibeal
  • Moira
  • Moireach
  • Molly
  • Mór
  • Morag
  • Morna
  • Morven
  • Murdag
  • Nathara
  • Ness
  • Nessa
  • Nessie
  • Nora
  • Oighrig
  • Paisley
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  • Piper
  • Rhona
  • Rona
  • Senga
  • Shannon
  • Sheena
  • Slàine
  • Sorcha
  • Tara
  • Teagan
  • Tyra
  • Whitney
  • Wynda

Gender neutral Scottish dog names:

  • Ainsley
  • Bairn
  • Barclay
  • Blair
  • Cameron
  • Campbell
  • Cannie
  • Dafty
  • Greer
  • Lennox
  • Lindsay
  • Logan
  • Tartan
  • Thistle

Scottish dog names inspired by pop culture:

  • Braveheart
  • Connery
  • Flora
  • Macbeth
  • McGonagall
  • Rob Roy
  • Sherlock
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Walter Scott
  • Watson
  • William Wallace

Dog names inspired by Scottish geography:

  • Aberdeen
  • Ailsa Craig
  • Airdrie
  • Alloa
  • Andrews
  • Arran
  • Athol
  • Ayr
  • Balmoral
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  • Balta
  • Cava
  • Cawdor
  • Cuillin
  • Danna
  • Duart
  • Dundee
  • Dunrobin
  • Edinburgh
  • Embra
  • Faray
  • Fyvie
  • Galloway
  • Glamis
  • Glasgow
  • Highlander
  • Iona
  • Islay
  • Jura
  • Lomond
  • Orkney
  • Shuna
  • Skye
  • Stirling
  • Tweed


Dog names inspired by Scottish food:

  • Ale
  • Clapshot
  • Clootie
  • Dunlop
  • Haggis
  • Scotch
  • Skirlie
  • Tayberry
  • Whiskey
Image Credit: Salima Senyavskaya/E+/GettyImages

Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?

We love our pets like we love our children—we care for them, and we dress them up in adorable outfits. So it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect name that reflects our new pet's personality and potential. Naming can be hard, which is why we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names!
