21 Dogs Who Are So Flipping Excited About Fall Leaves

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Humans aren't the only ones who enjoy the autumn foliage. These dogs appreciate the fall season too.

1. Whee!


3. Autumn is for zoomies.

4. The perfect resting spot.

5. Anybody else getting dizzy?

6. Sometimes you have to make do with what you've got.

7. "Come on in, the leaves are fine!"

8. Leaf piles are good for zoomies, but also good for peaceful meditation.

9. "It's not stuck. It's fashion."

10. This leaf pile could use a lifeguard.

11. An attempt was made.

12. "Rake? I am the rake."

13. Ow. Did not see that coming.

14. An autumn blep.

15. "Rolling in leaves? Me? Never!"

16. "Human, have you seen this stuff? It's amazing!"

17. Frisbees and fall leaves, nature's two greatest marvels.

18. The leaves really make her natural highlights pop.

19. "Help! They just keep coming!"

20. "Leafs are for eats, yes?"

21. This is the life.


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