103 Names Perfect for Fluffy Dogs

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Do you have a fluffy new member of the family? Congratulations! We'll help you choose the perfect name for your fuzzy new companion. Here's a list of 103 names perfect for fluffy dogs.


Names for fluffy white dogs

Video of the Day

  • Arctic
  • Snowflake
  • Polar Bear
  • Polar
  • Q-Tip
  • Cotton
  • Cotton Ball
  • Snowball
  • Snowy
  • Snowflake
  • Alps
  • Blizzard

Video of the Day

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  • Nimbus (a type of cloud)
  • Thunderhead (a type of cloud)
  • Cloudy
  • White-Out
  • Winter
  • Cool Whip
  • Whip Cream
  • Marshmallow
  • Horchata
  • Ghost
  • Yeti
  • Ghost
  • Snow Leopard
  • Snow Plow


Names for big fluffy dogs

  • Buffalo
  • Bulldozer
  • Commander
  • Jumbo
  • Mammoth
  • Meatball
  • Meatloaf
  • Montana
  • Moose
  • Octane
  • Omega
  • Rocket
  • Thunder
  • Lion
  • Tiger
  • Zeppelin
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Names for small fluffy dogs

  • Angora
  • Baby
  • Bristles
  • Bunny
  • Caterpillar
  • Chinchilla
  • Cotton Candy
  • Field Mouse
  • Noodle
  • Nugget
  • Starling
  • Valkyrie
  • Whisper


Image Credit: MriyaWildlife/iStock/GettyImages

Great names for any fluffy dog

  • Tumbleweed
  • Fluffernutter
  • Teddy
  • Bear
  • Grizzly
  • Kodiak
  • Fluffy
  • Fuzzy (or Fuzzy Wuzzy)
  • Fluffball
  • Furball
  • Cuddly
  • Snuggles
  • Cupcake
  • Snowflake
  • Puffin
  • Fluff Butt
  • Chewbacca
  • Lord Fluffington
  • Ms. Frizzle (for a girl)



Image Credit: IVANVIEITO/iStock/GettyImages
  • Softy
  • Charmin
  • Blanket
  • Duvet
  • Bedspread
  • Captain Floof
  • Sparkles
  • Firework (don't you think fluffy dogs kind of look like fireworks?)
  • Stormy
  • Tornado
  • Dusty
  • Everest
  • Powder
  • Coco
  • Wolf
  • Panda
  • Moose
  • Shadow
  • Smoky
  • Milkshake
  • Truffle
  • Vapor
  • Bigfoot
  • Heater (because they help keep you warm!)
  • Radiator (same thing)
  • Beowulf
  • Phantom
  • Spirit


Need more inspiration for your pet's new name?

Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits — if that's a thing we feel like doing! So it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect name that reflects our new pet's personality and potential. Naming can be hard, which is why we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names!

