News 19 Cats All Cozied Up Inside Boxes By Maggie Hira Updated Nov 5, 2021 Cats love boxes, that's a fact. We love cats in boxes, that's another fact. 1. The doctor is in and ready to psychoanalyze you. sofie1111 via Instagram 2. These two look like they're up to something. chonkychowzy via Instagram 3. Even cats love a good beauty haul unboxing. yuan2598 via Instagram 4. Someone's a little too big for this box! theadventuresofpablo_ via Instagram 5. "This is my box. Find your own!" eeesthergram via Instagram 6. Another case of the box being too small! baby_sween via Instagram 7. When you want your human to close the lid and leave you alone. elprofesordedanza via Instagram 8. "Help! I'm stuck!" bongdal_moon via Instagram 9. This box could not be more accurate. milamarukovutalis via Instagram 10. When you're stuck in a cone, it's comforting to be inside your favorite box. sophiegroussin via Instagram 11. David's Bridal shoeboxes really hit the spot! kingofcatnip via Instagram 12. "Oh...hi." squidys_tail via Instagram 13. This is the picture of pure bliss! via Instagram 14. "Leggo my Eggo, please." marialeumana via Instagram 15. This is almost like box bunk beds! lady_nymeria_siberiancats via Instagram 16. Nap time! ginger_ninja_zyggi via Instagram 17. "Oh yeah, this position is everything." zoey_from_west_philly via Instagram 18. If we all fits, we all sits! tundenna via Instagram 19. Technically, this isn't even a box, it's a lid! Cozy, though. z.e.v.a.z via Instagram