News 16 Cats Who Have Had It With You By Jules Sharron Updated Jan 13, 2023 These cats have had ABSOLUTELY ENOUGH OF YOU AND YOUR NONSENSE. 100% OVER IT. 1. The most withering of all withering glares. Svetlana Nikitina via Facebook 2. You know what you did. u/Britthany84 via Reddit 3. Aaaaaaalways watching. u/poianaminunata via Reddit 4. Talk to the paw 'cause the face don't give a meow. Siro0913 via Imgur 5. This cat's only going to tell you one more time. lolo_my_caty via Instagram 6. Oh the incredible indignity. cats_of_kurdistan via Instagram 7. You better believe you're gonna pay for this. bowie_the_siberian via Instagram 8. "Do not speak to me thx" pollythepocketpersian via instagram 9. "That deadly look" rezmato via Instagram 10. A bad smell, or your BAD BEHAVIOR? u/Caioly via Reddit 11. Uh-oh, the double glare, you're done for. _down_the_rabbithole_ via Instagram 12. "Mom . . . I’ve got places to be. People to see. Perches to sit. …If you could just take the picture already, please?" euyun_x via Instagram 13. Eugene Levy-cat is mad at you all the time. lilly_crazyeyes via Instagram 14. Small but mighty...angry. trixiethetuxie via Instagram 15. Literally how dare you. moomoolittleyeti via Instagram 16. Not really in the mood for this. tubsmandsji via Instagram