Destroy Bad Vibes With These 20 Wholesome Pet Pics

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Cleanse your mind and restore your chill with the time-honored practice of cooing at adorable animals.

1. Security on patrol.

2. "The ocean... it speaks to me!"

3. No water required to keep this bouquet looking lovely.

4. "High - uh, low five!"

5. Twin buns.

6. "This is where my mom’s dog likes to sit when she’s in the yard gardening."

7. The melting point of cats is room temperature.

8. Do you think they like each other?

9. Your cat will arrive fully assembled, but may need time to expand after unboxing.

10. Boop. That. Snoot.

11. Important whisker-sunning business.

12. Ever wondered what it looks like when a border collie has an identity crisis?


14. Your queen will accept tribute paid in belly rubs or snackos.

15. Get someone who looks at you the way this cat does.

16. 50% Corgi, 50% German Shepherd, 100% going to steal your heart

17. "Who, me? I would never!"

18. Before and after being told you're a good dog.

19. "I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today..."

20. "Mom! Look what I can do!"


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