17 Dogs on Very Important Shopping Sprees

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Sometimes retail therapy is all you need to turn a smile upside down. Whether you're at the supermarket, pet shop, hardware store, or out buying some fresh flowers — a shopping spree can turn your whole day around! Just hope these pups didn't forget their wallets at home.


1. A seasoned shopper knows you gotta hunt for bargains.

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2. So many harnesses, so little time.

3. Why is shopping at the hardware store so soothing?

4. "Hold on, I need time to make a decision."

5. So pooped from all that browsing!

6. Supporting a small business is what it's all about!

7. Target run? Done.

8. "Let's go to the pet aisle next!"

9. "Thanks for bringing us all along, dad!"

10. "Look, I assure you that eggshell white and ivory are exactly the same."

11. "Ready to checkout, thanks."

12. "We've been here for hours. Why is the shopping cart still empty?"

13. Stopping to smell the posies.

14. Gummy bears!!!!!!

15. Time stops when you're at Home Goods.

16. "But, mom, I DO need new toys!"

17. "Sorry for eating the drywall again."
