News 15 More Precious Pets Posing At Pumpkin Patches By Jeremy Sutheim Updated Oct 11, 2023 Adsz via Reddit 2. Never seen a pumpkin that color before. sloth_vader via Reddit 3. "Pick me!" Dashes-In-Her-StArs via Reddit 4. Can't wait to take this pumpkin home and chew — er, carve it. PokMeBall via Reddit 5. It's important to accessorize when going pumpkin picking. sccr24 via Reddit 6. Both? Both. curse-nurse via Reddit 7. 'Tis the season to Chow Chow down on some pumpkins. Atsuko_Kaori via Reddit 8. Serving up some spooky vibes. indianchick93 via Reddit 9. This pretty pibble is the perfect pumpkin picker. via Reddit 10. Pumpkin? More like pumpking! -megamanx- via Reddit 11. The color coordination here is outstanding. polarstream via Reddit 12. Normally we cook the pumpkin first, but you do you, little doggo. springingin2summer via Reddit 13. A puppy-sized hayride. hedgiehog629 via Reddit 14. Want to bet on who can sniff all these pumpkins the fastest? keaide7 via Reddit 15. Time for a cozy pumpkin nap. Firefly223 via Reddit