16 Dogs Hittin’ the Road in Pursuit of Adventure

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Many dogs know there's nothing quite as exhilarating as going on a road trip. Whether you have one destination or many stops along the way, you are guaranteed to have fun. Just make sure you've packed enough treats.

1. Nothin' beats the wide open road.

2. All packed up and ready to go.

3. It's all about that fresh breeze hitting your snoot.

4. So excited to hit the road!

5. I'll be the GPS.

6. Cozy. Comfy. Content.

7. Hey! You're blocking my view!

8. Are you sure we packed everything?

9. Bucket list item checked off!

10. So...when can I drive?

11. Tent life is the best life.

12. Always fun to find new spots during a road trip!

13. Is this where I sit?

14. When you want to ask "are we there yet?" but don't want to be annoying.

15. Gotta take a pic every time you cross state lines.

16. On the road all your troubles disappear.


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