Colon Cleansing For Dogs

Colon cleansing is not typically an activity we consider when we are thinking about our dog, but it is sometimes necessary to clear up cases of canine constipation or to prepare the pet for certain types of surgery. Sometimes it is necessary to irrigate the colon entirely, but there are several ways to clean it out using less radical methods.


Change Diet

The easiest and likely your dog's preferred way to deal with colon cleansing is to change the food it is eating. Feeding your dog high quality, non-processed dog food will help in clearing up occasional constipation. Also, instead of leaving food out all day for your dog, give him regular breaks between feedings to allow for proper digestion. Water, on the other hand, should always be available. According to the Colon Cleansing and Constipation Resource Center, sprinkling some oat bran (between a half teaspoon and two teaspoons) into your dog's regular food will significantly increase the fiber content of its diet. Two teaspoons of Grape Nuts Flakes or canned pumpkin will also do the trick.


Mineral Oil

If changing the food Rover is eating doesn't do enough, you may need to resort to a mild laxative. Using a tablespoon of mineral oil each day can help regulate his system, according to Colon Cleansing and Constipation Resource Center. Try putting it in the food, and if the food seems to get avoided because of the oil, simply use a dosing syringe to administer the oil.



Just as humans can use enema treatments for cleansing and passing hardened, impacted stool, dogs will respond in the same way. This is not a preferred method simply because the dog will be resistant and it isn't pleasant for anyone, but it is effective. Use only clean warm (not hot) water and administer the enema just as you would on a human. You will only need two to three tablespoons of it in a plastic or rubber syringe for a small breed, or use an enema bag with a pint of water and nozzle for a large breed. Lubricate the nozzle or syringe with vegetable oil and insert into the rectum. Slowly squeeze liquid into the dog and expect bowel movements to begin in a short time. This could be done a couple of times a day for two or three days if necessary.


Increase Exercise

In addition to regulating your dog's digestive tract with diet, enema or laxatives, you will help the long-term prognosis by making sure your dog gets plenty of exercise. Stimulating exercise keeps a dog's bowel's moving and it will improve its overall health and longevity.


Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet's diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet's opinion.

