Home Remedies For A Cat Throwing Up

No cat likes to throw up, and no owner likes it when the cat throws up. Vomiting in cats can be caused by medications, viruses and ingestion of garbage or toys. The cat may be lethargic, ill-tempered or unwilling to eat. It is always a good idea to see your veterinarian if your cat is vomiting. If he vomits continuously and can't keep down water, see your vet immediately. If the vomiting is less serious, here are a few tips to help relieve your cat's stomach trouble at home.



A 24-hour fast will help alleviate stomach upset in your cat. It gives the stomach a full day of rest and will reduce inflammation. Be sure to provide your cat with controlled amounts of fresh water, and make sure she is drinking. After the initial 24 hours, you may offer her bland foods such as cooked white rice (give the same amount of rice as you normally give cat food). After 48 hours, you may mix the cooked rice with the cat's normal food. After 72 hours, if her condition has improved, you may return your cat to her normal diet. If her condition has not improved, stick with the bland diet and see your veterinarian.


Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is an old standby in settling upset human stomachs, but did you know it can do the same thing for your cat? If your cat has been vomiting or you suspect he has an upset stomach, try brewing a strong cup of peppermint tea and letting it cool completely (20 minutes should do the trick). Give your cat one tablespoon of the peppermint tea to help sooth his tummy trouble.


Hairball Relief

Cats are frequent groomers, continuously licking the fur on their bodies. When they lick their fur they consume some of that fur, creating hairballs. Sometimes cats will cough up hairballs and leave them for you to find on the floor. Other times they digest the hairballs, which can lead to constipation. To relieve hairballs and prevent potential hairball-related problems, try adding a teaspoon of mineral oil to your cat's food three times a week. This will work as a laxative and help your kitty to pass the hairballs more easily, preventing possible vomiting or constipation.


Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet's diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet's opinion.


