Homemade Pet Odor Remover Recipe

Pet parents may come home to find that their sweet fur babies have decided to relieve themselves in various parts of the house. The stench of pet urine and feces that soak into your carpet and furniture can overwhelm your home quickly. Thankfully, you can create your own pet odor remover with ingredients that may be in your pantry.


Cleaning your pet's accidents immediately is essential to preventing odor. Before you use a homemade pet urine cleaner, absorb as much urine as possible with paper towels and newspapers. You should always spot test DIY pet cleaners before applying them to large areas like carpets.

Fill spray bottles with water

Begin preparing your homemade pet odor remover by adding two cups of lukewarm water to an empty, clean spray bottle. You can use a glass jar to store extra odor remover and use it at your convenience. Continue adding the remaining ingredients of the pet odor recipe into the same bottle. Using a spray bottle will allow for quick, easy use on a multitude of surfaces such as carpets, tile, fabrics, and bedding.


White vinegar homemade pet odor eliminator

Add two cups of white vinegar to the spray bottle. If you only have apple cider vinegar at home, no worries — you can substitute that in as both options are non-toxic to pets. The white vinegar will soak into the spot, break down the stain, and even remove the oldest, toughest stains, including urine and bloodstains. The white vinegar also kills odor-causing bacteria, which will leave your carpet and other areas of your home free from urine and feces bacteria. The strong scent of the vinegar will assist in removing the odor in combination with the other ingredients. It's okay if your pet doesn't like the smell — it will fade.


Spray the solution on the affected area and allow it to sit for a few minutes before blotting with a paper towel or a cloth.

Baking soda homemade pet urine cleaner

Add four tablespoons of baking soda to your water and vinegar mixture. Baking soda naturally removes and absorbs odor. It also provides deep cleaning for stains that are set within the carpet, fabrics, furniture, or bedding. The baking soda may help to brighten the carpet, removing the sight of the urine, feces, or bloodstains.


Add a box of baking soda to your usual detergent before machine washing bedding, pillows, or sheets to destroy odors. If they aren't gone on the first wash, do another load.

If the affected area still smells bad, try a second round of cleaning to penetrate the multiple layers of odor concealed in your carpet, rug, or another soft surface. Once the affected area is dry, generously sprinkle baking soda for 30 minutes to an hour. Then vacuum it up.

Fresh citrus DIY pet cleaner

Add a 1/2 cup of orange and lemon peels to the spray bottle mixture. Chopping them into one-inch pieces will allow the natural oils to be released into the homemade pet odor remover. The citrus peels add a fresh, clean scent and deter your dog or cat from relieving themselves in the same spot. Alternatively, you can squeeze the lemons and use the juice. Once all of the ingredients are combined together, secure the nozzle of the spray bottle and shake lightly, mixing the ingredients together.


Note, you need to avoid using essential oils, as they can harm dogs and cats.

You now have a homemade odor remover that will help eliminate pet odors and remove stains in your home. You can also use this pet odor recipe when cleaning doorways, a common place for male dogs to mark their territory.

