How to Make a Wheelchair for a Cat

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For smaller cats or kittens, adjust the frames to be shorter.

Cut your smallest tubes first, as you will be able to hold on to the longer CPVC tubing to make your cuts.

Give your disabled cat new life with a DIY wheelchair.
Image Credit: Thye Aun Ngo/iStock/Getty Images

It is tough to see your furry companion unable to get around as he used to. If your cat was born disabled, or has been injured or sick and lost the use of his hind legs, mobility is still possible with a pet wheelchair or walker. Building your own cat wheelchair is possible with a few basic provisions. This wheelchair was designed to assist cats with back leg issues or trouble walking with all four legs; it will support the entire cat while he heals.


Building Your Frames

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Step 1

PVC pipes come in a variety of colors and sizes.
Image Credit: Peter de Kievith/iStock/Getty Images

Measure and cut two 21-inch CPVC tubes from the piping.


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Step 2

Measure and cut four 3 1/2-inch tubes, four 7-inch tubes, four 7 3/4-inch tubes and four 5/8-inch tubes. You will end up with 16 variously shaped small tubes in total.

Step 3

Insert a 7-inch tube into the straight end of one T piece. Do the same for another 7-inch tube and another T piece. Cap each end of the two 7-inch tubes with two more T pieces, facing them 90 degrees from the T piece on the same pipe. You will have two 7-inch tubes with a T piece on each of the ends.


Step 4

Fit a 7 3/4-inch tube on the bottom T pieces joining the 7-inch tubes. You should now have a U-shaped frame, with two empty T pieces at the top of the "U" pointing toward you.

Step 5

A "T" piece is seen in the middle, with a right angle piece in the foreground.
Image Credit: Ilya Stcherbakov/iStock/Getty Images

Fit two 3 1/2-inch tubes into the top of your frame, extending the top of the "U" shape higher. Cap these with two right angle pieces facing toward each other.


Step 6

Fit another 7 3/4-inch tube in between the right angle pieces, completing the first frame. The frame will look like an elongated "O." Push all pieces together firmly.

Step 7

Build a second frame exactly as the one above, with the remaining small tubes and pieces.


Assembling the Frames

Step 1

Join the two frames together using the two 21-inch CPVC tubes. Press the assembly together firmly.

Step 2

Casters look exactly like the wheels on a shopping cart.
Image Credit: Anton Gvozdikov/iStock/Getty Images

Maneuver the assembly upside down. Fit the caster inserts into the 5/8-inch tubes. Place these into the open empty bottom pipes, and firmly press in.



Step 3

Attach the casters to the caster inserts.

Crafting Your Wheelchair

Step 1

A soft towel or old T-shirt work well for sling material.
Image Credit: Magone/iStock/Getty Images

Use an old towel. Measure and cut circles for your cat's legs. The cat's legs will fit through the holes, and its body will be supported by the towel and frame.


Step 2

Hem the sides of the towel by folding over the towel's edges in a loop wide enough to fit around the long CPVC piping, then sewing to attach the folded over portion to the rest of the towel. If you are using a premade pet sling, skip this step.

Step 3

Separate the frames. Slide the pet sling onto the long 21-inch pipes. Press the frames back together, firmly.


Step 4

Let your cat get used to the new way of moving.
Image Credit: Thye aun Ngo/Hemera/Getty Images

Place your cat into the sling. Give him time to adjust to the wheelchair; begin in small stretches of time and slowly increase them until he is comfortable walking about with his new wheelchair.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

