Pomeranian Grooming Cuts And Styles

Pomeranians, nicknamed Poms, are popular small dogs, especially with those who like fur. A thick, fluffy coat engulfs a small physique and big personality. The smiling, foxlike face is irresistibly charming, yet that characteristic lush fur requires unique care. Pomeranian grooming is a specialty or at least requires a knowledgeable groomer, and classic Pomeranian cuts are somewhat challenging to do.


Pomeranian fur should be trimmed with scissors rather than clippers. Shaving a Pom can damage the fur over time. The best Pomeranian grooming styles keep the fur looking as natural as possible and avoids sheeplike shearing. These cuts are the tidy trim, the show trim, and the natural trim or look. More trendy Pomeranian cuts include the teddy bear, kennel cut, and lion cut. However, these cuts are problematic because they require some shaving.

Best Pomeranian cuts

Trimming or taming long Pomeranian fur with scissors is the preferable grooming technique with this breed. One style that groomers call the tidy or natural cut involves simply trimming the paws, ears, and rear as well as blending the fur on the body, neck, and head. The Pom's coat remains long but neater and cleaner.


The show cut, however, takes a little more skill. The ears and chest are trimmed with scissors, and the rear area and paws are trimmed noticeably shorter. The tail is the crowning accessory, trimmed into the shape of a fan. In the show ring, hair spray is used on the tail for dramatic effect.

A puppy cut, or shiba inu cut, might be the best middle ground, as much of the body fur is shortened with scissors and not shaved. The hind end is trimmed round with the tail left fluffy. Both the body and leg fur are slightly shorter, but the chest, head, and mane are sculptured round, like a puffed-out lion. Poms are proud dogs, after all.

Riskier Pomeranian grooming styles

Unfortunately, some of the trendier styles, such as the teddy bear cut and lion cut, require shaving to various degrees, and that's not a good idea for thick double-coated dogs, like Poms. Shaving can result in damaged fur and uneven hair texture as it grows back. For instance, the teddy bear cut, sometimes called the fox cut, looks cute in pictures but requires the removal of a lot of fur, making the dog almost unrecognizable as a Pom.


With a teddy bear cut, the legs and body are cut short while the head is shaped as an oval with pointed ears. Similarly, the lion cut shaves fur on the body to the skin but leaves a long "mane" around the head and shoulders. While interesting-looking, this is not recommended for a Pom because the body fur is shaved far too short.

Grooming a Pomeranian

Take one look at a thick-coated Pomeranian and it's obvious this is a dog who needs regular brushing. Grooming a Pomeranian requires a sturdy wire or pin brush. Start at the skin and work outward. Poms must be brushed all the way through the coat; otherwise, matting results. A wide comb might also work if the dog doesn't like the pin brush. Full professional grooming and bathing are recommended every four to six weeks along with nail trims.


The kennel or summer cut, which involves completely shaving a dog short, should not be done on a Pom or any double-coated dog. Grooming a Pomeranian short can damage the hair follicles, even to the extent that the fur might not grow back at all. It also impacts the dog's ability to warm and cool himself. Short fur on a Pom will not keep the dog cooler in the summer nor will it reduce allergic reactions.

