Proper Temperature for Aquarium Tanks With Tetras

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Since they are cold-blooded, tetras rely entirely on water temperature to maintain proper metabolism. This tetra temperature range can vary within the range of 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Lower than this temperature, the fish will become uncomfortable and stressed. This can weaken their immune systems and put them at risk for bacterial infections. Reliable heating will help you avoid this by maintaining a consistent healthy temperature for your tetras. When properly cared for, neon tetras can live between 5 to 10 years.


Maintain a consistent healthy temperature for your tetras.
Image Credit: Aquarium image by crossgolfing from <a href=''></a>

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Tetra temperature range

The right heater will have 3 watts for every gallon in your tank (a 10-gallon tank needs a 30-watt heater). All heaters will have a mark showing how high the water level should be. If the water level gets too low, the heater will work harder to heat the water, leaving it susceptible to a breakdown.


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Be careful to keep the tetra temperature range between 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit — some guides suggest as high as 80 degrees Fahrenheit as a tetra fish temperature. But at 80 degrees Fahrenheit, tetras will experience increased metabolism, stress, and possibly shorter lifespans.


Monitor tetra fish temperature

Thermostats are notorious for breaking down in aquarium heaters. The thermostat activates the heater according to water temperature. If the thermostat fails to work, your heater will either be stuck on or off — this makes the tank as problematic as one without a heater.


Therefore, not only should you invest in the highest quality heater possible, you should have a way to check the temperature besides the heater's thermostat. The thermostat only tells you the temperature the heater is working to reach. Aquarium thermometers are typically cheap and reliable. Find one that's easy to read and check it daily.


Also, filters and water pumps are needed on a neon tetra tank. No matter what heater you have, it can't do its job without the water circulation from your filter. Circulation keeps different areas of the tank at the same temperature. Familiarize yourself with your filter's instructions regarding how (and how often) to clean it.


Avoid temperature changes

Just as important as maintaining consistent water temperature is avoiding rapid changes in temperature. For this reason, always float the bag your new tetras come in on the surface of your aquarium until the water temperature in the bag is the same as in the tank.


If your heater breaks or the power goes out, cover the tank with towels and blankets to insulate it and add warm water as needed. If you don't realize there is a problem until the temperature is well below 75 degrees, do not immediately add hot water. Add warm water a little bit at a time to bring the temperature up gradually.


Neon tetra tank mates and pH levels

Be aware that temperature is one of many factors to consider. Others are pH levels, shelter, plants, lighting, and community. Tetras are less stressed when in groups of at least eight. Tetra tank mates can include other tetras and small fish not large enough to eat neon tetras such as zebra danios, guppies, and harlequin rasboras. But do not add aggressive fish such as cichlids or bettas.

Dim light also keeps neon tetras calm while showing off their colors. Keep the light on for 8 to 10 hours daily. Maintain the water at a pH of 6.5 (or 5.5 to 7). Place stones and live plants to give them shelter from direct light. Include plants both floating on the surface and planted in the substrate (the material on the floor of the tank). Some substrates are better for plants than others. Consult with your aquarium shop on all aspects of your tank before purchasing tetras.

