Known for a gentle, playful disposition and a wealth of snow white fur, the Bichon Frise is a favorite among hobbyists and pet owners alike. Although these dogs bring boundless energy and companionship, they also require plenty of grooming. One major grooming trouble for Bichons is tear stains. These unsightly red stains on white fur can detract from the appearance of your beloved pet. Removing these stains is a simple task that takes only minutes.
Removing Tear Stains From Bichon Frise
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Step 1
Add white vinegar to the Bichon's drinking water. Tear stain production in Bichons is largely due to a pH imbalance that allows yeast to grow, creating the red tint. By adding approximately one teaspoon of white vinegar to the dog's drinking water, you alter the pH slightly, limiting the production and severity of tear stains. Start with a very tiny amount, and slowly work your way up to a teaspoon, as the smell and taste of the vinegar can put dogs off.
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Step 2
Give the dog half of an antacid tablet each day. Consult with your vet before taking this course of action. Consumption of an antacid tablet changes the pH of your dog's system, making it more difficult for the yeast to grow. This helps prevent stains and decreases the pigment of the stains.
Step 3
Clean the existing stains on the Bichon's face. Bichon fur responds especially well to baking soda pastes to clean tear stains. Add a few drops of water to baking soda until you have a thick paste. Apply the paste and let it sit for an hour or so. Gently rinse the paste away, making sure none of it gets into the dog's eyes.
Step 4
Apply peroxide to bleach difficult stains. Using a cotton swab, dab a very small amount of peroxide on the stains. Be very careful not to get too close to the dog's eyes as this can damage them. Leave the peroxide in place for approximately 4 hours then rinse the area well. Limit your peroxide treatments to only once a week as it can be very taxing to the dog's skin.