How To Remove A Tick From A Dog's Eyelid

Truth: Tick season isn't just a concern during the warm summer months. While ticks do thrive when the temperatures rise, they can still be a threat to your dog at any point during the year, which is why veterinarians encourage pet owners to stay vigilant when it comes to tick prevention. Even with regular tick medication and brushing your dog with a fine-toothed comb, your dog may still get a tick near his eye or on his eyelid. Indeed, it's a bit unnerving, especially when the tick is attached to such a sensitive spot, but it's a good idea to learn how to remove the tick yourself.


Don't delay if you spot one since ticks transmit Lyme disease to dogs through the tick's saliva, and it happens rather quickly. Ticks can transmit bacterium that causes Lyme disease in as little as three to six hours. Watch for symptoms of the ailment, including fever, lameness, loss of appetite, and lethargy and then contact your pet's vet.

If your dog has a tick on the eyelid or near the eye, all you need are a few basic tools and a sure hand.

Gather the right supplies

Before jumping in with your bare fingers or a kitchen utensil to try and scrape away the tick, set up the supplies you'll need to safely remove it. Gather a pair of disposable gloves, a pair of tweezers, rubbing alcohol, antibiotic ointment, antibacterial cleanser or soap and water, and a small jar that you can label. Your goal is to remove the tick as carefully and cleanly as you can.


Move slowly with a tick on the eyelid

When a dog has a tick on the eyelid or near the eye, try not to panic or make sudden movements because you could scare him. Instead, be gentle and move slowly around your pet as you hold his body between your legs to keep him still. Put on the disposable gloves and grasp your pup's muzzle in your hand to steady his head. Use the tweezers to seize the tick as close to the eyelid as possible. Your dog will automatically close his eyes as you get closer with the tweezers. Speak softly to your dog as you work to pull out the tick.


Use a steady hand

Pull out the tick in one motion using straight, steady, even pressure and without twisting or jerking the tick, as this can cause it to stay attached to your dog's eyelid. You can also use a tick removal hook, which has two prongs and a handle, to remove these critters. Don't worry if you are unable to remove all of the tick; sometimes, a portion is left behind in the skin if the tick is deeply embedded. It's also best not to dig around in your dog's skin, especially near the eye.


Save the tick

Place the tick in a jar with a small amount of rubbing alcohol to kill it and then label the jar with the date and the place where the bite occurred to give to your veterinarian. You'll want to do this in case your dog develops any disease symptoms associated with this tick bite. Disinfect the bite site well with the cleanser or soap and water and then dab on a bit of the antibiotic ointment.


Wash your hands with soap and water and offer your dog a treat for being such a good sport. Be sure to monitor the tick bite to check for signs of infection (redness, tenderness at the site) and contact your veterinarian if you notice these changes or other irritation. You should also clean the tweezers with rubbing alcohol or the cleanser so they're ready to go next time.

