When Does A Rottweiler Stop Growing?

A large breed, your Rottweiler won't be considered fully grow until he's between 18 months and 2 years old. Some males, however, don't reach their full adult weight until around age 3. Rottweiler puppies start as adorable squiggly creatures in black-and-tan and quickly grow into mature loyal companions.


Starting with a birth weight near one pound, the puppies grow quickly in height, weight, and intelligence. The average final weight of these bright-eyed, faithful dogs is 85 to 120 pounds. Most stand about 27 inches when fully mature. As you watch the phenomenal growth of your pet, you will want to be sure you are providing adequate nutrition to maintain her health.

Growing up fast

Puppies grow very quickly. While humans take many years to mature, most dogs reach their mature size within one year, whereas larger dogs can take longer to mature. Rottweilers start small and take about 18 months to reach their mature weight. The fastest growth stage is from birth to eight months. The rest of the first year, growth will be a bit slower.


During this year your pup will pass through infancy, the cute "toddler" stage, a mischievous youth stage, and on into early adulthood. This time of rapid development is your greatest time of influence in training, socializing, and nourishing all aspects of your companion's growth. Work with your dog often during this time so that he understands commands well and obeys them before he gets large enough to be a handful.

Every dog is different

As your puppy grows, remember that Rottweiler growth charts are guidelines — they are not carved in stone. Each puppy grows at its own rate. The growth chart is simply a guide. There is no reason to worry unless your puppy falls significantly above or below the growth range represented in the charts. So long as your vet is satisfied with your pup's growth, there is no need to worry or try to bulk him up.


In fact, trying to speed her growth can cause serious problems. Some foods do cause more rapid growth, but they may also cause bone, joint, or other health problems. You'll have a healthier dog if you let nature take its course rather than attempting to accelerate your puppy's growth.

Growth and nutrition

Much of your puppy's nutrition goes into building bone and muscle structure in the early months. During this time she needs puppy food that is 24 to 48 percent protein. After about 10 months, you should be able, with your vet's OK, to switch her to a diet of 22 to 26 percent protein. At this time your puppy will be reaching her final height.


The next few months will be spent using nutrition to solidify bones, add muscle weight, and mature fat stores to reach a final weight. Don't let the production of fat stores fool you into thinking a high-fat diet is necessary. Until around 10 months your puppy's food label should denote 14 to 18 percent fat. When switching him to adult food, choose one with even less fat; between 12 to 16 percent.

What age is a Rottweiler fully grown?

Between 18 and 24 months of age, your Rottweiler should reach her adult size. Females will stand about 25 inches tall and weigh around 100 pounds. Males are a bit taller at roughly 27 inches and weigh approximately 115 pounds.


Musculature should be mature at this time, and the bone structure will be sufficient to support all of the boisterous activities your dog will come to enjoy. This is a good time to schedule what will become an annual vet checkup and administer any necessary booster shots your new best friend needs to stay healthy.

