How To Sleep With A Litter Box In Your Bedroom

Keeping your cat's litter box in your bedroom is a less-than-ideal situation. The smell can be off-putting and the box itself messy. If you have no other options, take a few precautionary measures to lessen the impact the litter box has on your olfactory senses and your sleeping ability.


Best place for litter boxes inside

Keep the litter box as far away from your bed as possible. Place the litter box itself on a protective surface that's easy to remove and clean. For example, a tarp, piece of linoleum, or plastic or rubber mat can help contain accidents and spills and prevent litter tracking.


You may want to position the litter box behind a decorative screen, plants, or a piece of bedroom furniture, both to disguise its presence and to give your precious cat much-needed privacy when using the box. Cats like having their litter boxes in a quiet area where they have multiple escape routes, so make it easy for your cat to get into their litter box. They also don't like to eliminate near where they eat, so keep their food and water bowls in another location.

Pick the right litter box furniture

You can buy commercially produced pieces of furniture, like small tables, that have a compartment for storing a litter box. Not only does this help disguise the box, but litter box furniture also helps contain clumps of litter and reduces the sight and smell of litter box activity.


A similar and less expensive alternative is to use a covered litter box. Many varieties come with charcoal-activated odor-absorbing filters to help reduce box odors. You can even use your own home remedies to deodorize cat litter, like baking soda. Just make sure that the litter box is big enough for your cat. Many cats like bigger boxes where they have more room to move around.


A covered box should be roomy enough for your cat to get into and turn around in. Quarters that are too tight or hard to enter may discourage litter box use.

Keep litter boxes clean

Use a self-scooping litter box that automatically scoops waste into a disposable receptacle after each use. While the sound may initially interrupt your sleep, it's likely better than going the whole night with a ripe box deposit. Otherwise, clean the litter box before you go to bed so you're less likely to be disturbed by horrible smells. A deodorizing cat box liner, scented litter, or commercial deodorant sprays or powders can help reduce odors as well. Additionally, rinse the litter box out with unscented soap or baking soda once a week to fully clean the container.


Some cats don't like the smell of heavily perfumed litter, so keep an eye on your cat to ensure they don't become averse to using their litter box. If your cat starts eliminating outside of their box, try switching the kind of litter you use, or even switching from a self-scooping litter box to a regular one.

Dangers of litter box in bedroom

Of course, one danger of having a litter box in your bedroom is that it can become a tripping hazard. Place the litter box away from your usual walking areas. Make sure that it's not in a location where you will trip over it, like near the bed or blocking doorways or exits.


Limit nighttime litter box use

Play with your cat during the day to help them release the pent-up energy that might otherwise keep them active at night. Likewise, give your cat a final serving of food and water shortly before bedtime and place the bowls out of reach afterward. This will help reduce nighttime trips to the litter box that could interrupt your sleep.


Keep your bedroom door open or make sure the cat is inside with you before closing it for the night. Cats stranded away from their litter boxes will eliminate in other spots.

