How to Tell If a Bunny Is Having a Seizure?

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Clear any objects out of the way while your bunny is seizing to prevent her from becoming injured during the event. Keep other pets and extraneous human beings out of the room. Talk to her in a soothing voice and avoid going near your bunny’s mouth, as she may unintentionally bite you while seizing. Place your rabbit in a cool, dark place such as a carrier and take her to the veterinarian immediately.

Image Credit: John Kelly/iStock/Getty Images

When many people think of problems that affect rabbits, seizures aren't necessarily the first thing that come to mind. However, seizures are one of the common ailments that plague bunnies. Seizures may result from underlying medical conditions that affect the brain or from temporary conditions, including overheating, parasite infestation, poisoning and infections. Most seizures last from one to two minutes. Seizures often resolve on their own, but may leave your bunny unresponsive or with resulting injuries. A veterinarian should always examine your bunny after a seizure, especially if she has never had one before.


Step 1

Observe your bunny for strange behavior. Before a seizure takes place, your rabbit may act confused or disoriented and may collapse.

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Step 2

Look at the positioning of your bunny. Rabbits typically lay on their sides with their legs stretched out when having seizures and paddle their legs.


Step 3

Watch your bunny's body for unusual movement. When a rabbit has a seizure, her body will typically convulse or experience tremors and her eyes may roll back into their sockets. She may also lose control of her bladder and bowels.

Step 4

Stay with your rabbit during and following a seizure. Some rabbits will immediately resume normal activity after a seizure; others will go limp or lose consciousness. Take your rabbit to the vet immediately if she doesn't have a known, pre-existing seizure disorder -- if the seizure was caused by an acute condition such as overheating or poisoning, she isn't out of danger and her condition is likely growing worse.

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