How To Tell If Your Cat Likes You

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Cats are intelligent animals that are capable of feeling emotions toward their owners. Some cats love their owners while others may feel indifferent or even dislike the people in their home. Fortunately, there are ways you can determine how your cat truly feels about you.



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According to Fact Monster, cats are not spiteful animals. If your cat does something that is out of the ordinary such as not using its litter box, it doesn't necessarily mean that your cat is trying to seek revenge on you. There may be a health problem attached to this behavior. Growling, spitting, and hissing are indications that a cat is angry, aggressive, or annoyed. If your cat exhibits this behavior toward you, you may want to consult a vet or an animal behavior specialist.


Step 1

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Observe the way your cat greets you. One telltale sign of a cat's affection is contingent on how they respond to you when you arrive home. A cat that likes you will greet you at the door. It isn't uncommon for a dog to greet his owner at the door, but a cat that loves his family may exhibit the same behavior. In general, cats are social creatures and enjoy being around people that they like.


Step 2

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Use petting to gauge emotion. A cat open to friendship may also rub against you. In some cases, the cat may even raise his or her body toward your hand when you attempt to pet the cat. It may seem strange, but a cat may also lick you if he likes you. Cats lick each other and their owners as a way to groom and bond together.


Step 3

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Listen for purring. Some cats purr to indicate their happiness. If a cat is happy living in your home, purring will be a way that the cat demonstrates affection. According to Drs. Foster and Smith, in some cases purring can also be a signal that the cat is sick or distressed. Some cats also purr to calm and reassure themselves.


Step 4

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Understand the personality of your cat. If your cat is not particularly affectionate, it doesn't necessarily mean that your cat doesn't like you. Some cats are simply aloof and have a personality in which they don't seem to care about their owners. These types of cats usually want the owner around only when it's time to eat.

