11 Things You Do That Break Your Dog's Heart
Like humans, dogs experience sadness, loneliness, and heartbreak. By avoiding certain actions, you can help foster your pup's emotional well-being.
Read MoreLike humans, dogs experience sadness, loneliness, and heartbreak. By avoiding certain actions, you can help foster your pup's emotional well-being.
Read MoreIf you're tying to gauge whether your pet's condition warrants a visit to a vet clinic or an emergency vet, be on the lookout for these symptoms.
Read MoreTraveling with pets is often restricted to land, but one major cruise line makes sea-faring accessible and keeps your furry pals well taken care of.
Read MoreDe-icers are great helpers for humans in the winter, but they can hurt your animals. Here's how to be careful, as well as what to use instead.
Read MoreA cat may dig into your house plants for multiple reasons. Thanks to their varied personalities, no single deterrent strategy will work for all felines.
Read MoreDogs can't easily express themselves to humans, and many hide their discomfort. These seemingly innocent actions may actually cause your pup stress.
Read MoreFrom stocking up on kibble and pet-safe products to adding protection to your couch, here's how to get your home ready for a new dog.
Read MoreAlthough they're great at reducing odor, many laundry detergents contain ingredients that can cause unpleasant skin and gastrointestinal reactions in pets.
Read MoreSurfaces covered in pet hair are a seemingly unavoidable reality of living with a cat or dog. Consider using a dryer sheet to keep the mess in-check.
Read MorePet-proofing your home during the holidays keeps your cats and dogs safe, and from tethering trees to storing food well, we've got 12 tips to get you started.
Read MoreIf you want an anti-itch remedy for your dog that's free from chemicals and won't break the bank, look no further than your kitchen cabinets.
Read MoreNot all dogs embody the core traits of their breed. However, these characteristics can help narrow down the best canine for your lifestyle and personality.
Read MoreHaving your pet spayed or neutered is important for ensuring their long-term health. However, depending on where you go for the service, the cost can add up.
Read MoreAt a glance, garlic might seem like a great flea remedy. However, just because something is natural, doesn't mean it's safe for your pets.
Read MoreTaking the time to research your hotel's pet policies and prepare your furry companion for an overnight stay can ensure a smooth experience for everyone.
Read MoreFrom Salma Hayek's white-faced owl to Nicolas Cage's king cobras, these exotic animals are as famous as their pet parents.
Read MoreThe pet safety app may not have landed a deal on "Shark Tank," but that didn't stop pet parents from signing up for its subscription service.
Read MoreIs your couch constantly covered in cat or dog fur? Forget buying another lint roller. The most effective pet hair removal tool is probably in your garage.
Read MorePetroleum jelly is touted as one of the best pet-safe pest deterrents on the market. But according to some owners, it might not be effective long-term.
Read MoreFrom sky high vet bills to rental deposits, pet parenting is costly no matter where you are. But if you're in these cities, expect to pay an extra premium.
Read MoreWith hundreds of dog breeds in the world, how can you choose your ideal companion? Try matching your next pup to the common traits of your zodiac sign.
Read MoreCat scratchers, by their nature, won't last forever. Instead of trashing and replacing, try a more eco-friendly solution with this recyclable DIY.
Read MoreBaking soda is a popular and budget-friendly litter box deodorizer that's generally considered safe for cats. However, it's not exactly risk-free.
Read MoreA number of issues can result in a stinky pet. From health issues to grooming and cleaning mistakes, these are some of the main culprits to look out for.
Read MoreLeaving your beloved pets with a relative stranger for hours or days at a time can be a stressful. Ask these questions to help ensure they're in good hands.
Read MoreDog beds require regular cleaning to fend off odors and germs, but this can be easier said than done. Thankfully, this hack will simplify the washing process.
Read MoreNot disposing of dog poop can have many consequences for your pet, yard, and community. Avoid drawing pests to your home by picking up after your pup.
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