23 Filthiest Dogs Who Need To Take A Bath

If a dirty dog is a happy dog, then these must be some of the happiest dogs alive.

1. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

2. The ball is also going to need a bath.

3. Miraculously, this dog's tail seems to have come through unscathed!

4. It's probably just mud, but it's still gross.

5. Who needs a fancy spa when you can get a mud bath for free?

6. This is the face of betrayal.

7. Before and after photo straight from a dog paren nightmare.

8. "Ahh... I can still smell the adventure."

9. As the old saying goes... cleanliness is next to IMPOSSIBLE!

10. Mistakes were made.

11. "Is this what the bath bomb is supposed to look like?"

12. "There's good news and bad news. the good news is that i found the ball...."

Way to go, buddy!

13. Fair enough.

14. High five? No?

15. Next stop: Your sofa.

16. Points to anyone who can guess what color this dog used to be.

17. "Mom's gonna freak out. I just had a bath..."

18. Who's a handsome fella? Is it you? Yes it is!

19. Sad Sarah Mclachlan music plays in the background

20. "Are you sure you don't want to join me in here?"

We're good, but thanks.

21. And that's how chocolate labs are made!

22. Yeah, this one's on you.

23. Could you say no to that face?

