16 Dogs Who Would Make Horrible Personal Trainers

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If you're looking for some fitness tips, look no further. These various animals will tell you everything you need to know about staying fit, as long as what you need to know is how to do it completely and totally wrong.

1. If this is your trainer's idea of weight lifting, you may have a problem.

2. This trainer would let you get away with skipping leg day.

3. Make sure to find a trainer who can keep up with you.

4. "No, no, that's all wrong. Here, I'll show you."

5. "Let's take a quick breather."

6. Some trainers are prone to showing off.

7. "There's no time for questions! Just follow my lead!"

8. According to these ducks, you don't need a gym membership to exercise.

9. This trainer has an innovative approach to motivation.

10. Jazzercise class is canceled.

11. "Very good. Keep doing that while I take a quick nap."

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12. This trainer isn't kidding around.

13. Fear is an excellent way to get your heart racing.

14. Hopefully you can find a trainer who actually knows how to use the gym equipment.

15. It's important that you and your trainer have the same priorities.

16. We recommend a massage after a tough workout, preferably from someone without razor sharp claws.

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