15 Dogs Who Want You To Throw The Dang Ball Already

"Carol, we're gonna need to make fetch happen ​more​ in 2018" — all of these good boys and girls.

1. "I can't throw it and catch it but I can put gravity to work."

2. "Ready when you are!"

3. "If fetch isn't your thing, I'm happy to kick the footie around a bit."

4. "No lights? No problem!"

5. "I wasn't joking. The night time really is the right time (for a game of fetch with a glow ball)."

6. "Oh hai. Can you help me with something? You know, when it's convenient ... "

7. "Just chuck the ball in your hand and I'll do the rest."

8. His favorite song is "Don't Stop Retrieving" by 80s rockers, Journey.

9. "Good luck trying this with the cat."

10. "Just throw it as far as you can and I'll do the rest."

11. "Some dogs drop hints. Me? I take a more direct approach."

12. "Here's the deal: I'll agree that Die Hard is a Christmas movie if you agree to throw the ball already."

13. "Work with what you got, amirite or AMIRITE?!?!" — this corg

14. "I could fit that in my mouth." #challengeaccepted

15. "You had one job!!! Humans are hereby canceled." — this strong, independent doggo who isn't afraid to outsource your role to technology because efficiency.

