19 Cats On Their Way To Steal Your Laptop

Good luck getting any computering done when these kittos are ... [‌cat flops onto keyboard‌] ... aro-oooo;LAKJD;FLKAJS;DOIUVPQOWEJKNR;.LANM-und.

1. "Decreased paw-ductivity? I wouldn't know anything about that."

2. "I would like to lodge a complaint. My human's lap is not big enough for both me and her computer and she insists on making me share. I should take precedence."

3. "She helps me compose my chat replies."

4. "He learned it from his older brother."

5. "Because you can't spell 'feline overlords' without LO-freaking-L"

6. "If not for sits... why is it made of warm?"

7. "He opened 38 tabs at once on my Chromebook"

8. "CONFESSION: All my quality takes actually come from this guy"

9. "You probably just dropped a somewhere in the code. Move over and I'll help you fix it."

10. "Cat physics is 100% accurate*"

11. "I put him in charge of responding to any emails older than 3 days."

12. "Give this exchange a medal already."

13. "Your pain is my pain"

14. "Rotated my screen 90 degrees, took a three key combo #Caturday"

15. "No, no, it's fine, I didn't need those keys anyways."

16. "Imagine taking an online quiz and explaining to your professor that a question was accidentally answered by your cat."

17. "All of your passwords belong to me meow"

18. "When I said that the two of you should huddle together to map out our social strategy for the upcoming month, this is not what I had in mind"

19. "Work at home, they said. You’ll get so much more done, they said."

