20 Cats With Better Jobs Than You

Another week brings another ridiculous Facebook page to obsess over.

Meet T H I S C A T I S E M P L O Y E D, a forum for cats with jobs and purrfesional careers (sorry, not sorry) — both real and, well, imagined.


Currently home to a little more than 12,000 members, the public group features dozens of hilarious posts daily.

And while the pictures are plenty adorbs, it's the shared vocabulary (like deliberately misspelled pronouns and contractions) and stylized formatting (CAPS-heavy with s p a c e s inserted between characters) that helps push the captions into the LOL-worthy share zone.

But enough of the chitter chatter: let's get to the good stuff!

1. "this hamb is a S E C Ü R Ì T Y G Ò R D"

2. "G R I L L M A S T E R"

3. "Meet Junior Ranger Jeff!"

4. "Fortune teller"

5. "Came in to wash kegs this morning. Apparently, someone forgot to close the display case. Good thing Russell was keeping watch."

6. "TSA Kitties 😍"


8. "please support my cat he’s an author, model and survivor"

9. "this cat is a B A C K R E S T"

10. Sergeant Hamb (tank commander): "Onward comrades. We will liberate our homeland from the capitalist dogs and it rename it Meowscow!"

11. "Himbs a counterfeit note checker and confiscator"

12. "He was spotted roaming around the reception area of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil after seeking shelter from a storm. Now, Leon the cat is a hired employee whose job it is to greet guests."

13. "Truffles works at an ophthalmologist office & wears glasses to help little children feel comfortable wearing theirs!"

14. "Himbs supervise the dishwashing"

15. "Cat is I N V E S T I G A T O R, taking notes about who stole your fur."

16. "This cat is a H A C K E R & C R I M I N A L M A S T E R M I N D"

17. "When you start reading your Christmas Tree Destruction training manual"

18. "Jean-Ralphio, big designer boy."

19. "Looks like there are excellent catto careers in the renewable energy field!"

20. "When you lie on your resumé but get the job anyways"

