15 Dogs and Their Majestic Portraits

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There's nothing quite like a custom portrait to immortalize your pet!

1. Talk about a cool portrait!

2. Duke looks so proud of his portrait!

3. Someone doesn't look so pleased with his portrait.

4. Always love an abstract piece!

5. This artist totally nailed it!

6. This artist really captured the character in this dog's ears.

7. Wow, totally majestic.

8. So perfect!

9. This drawing should be hung everywhere!

10. It's so important to pose by your portrait once it's hung.

11. Look at how this artist captured the expression in this dog's eyes!

12. A mini portrait with a big personality

13. Watercolors can be just as gorgeous as other mediums!

14. Don't you just wanna boop that nose?!

15. That tongue has a life of its own!


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