17 Cats Getting Too Much Screen Time

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Nope, not that kind of screen. The old school, open-the-window kind.

With summer weather nearly upon us, windows will be cracked and temptation will beckon. Best to act now and ground these kittehs climbers before they start their ascents.


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

1. "Flight 1DI0T will be delayed due to the catcraft getting itself into a slight...predicament 🤦🏻‍♀️😂(Don’t worry herbs safe and sound now)"

2. "This is one of my favorite pictures of my baby Lulu. She decided to climb the screen door in my old apartment and immediately regretted it."

3. "Anyone else's cats make them yell 'What are you doing?!' almost everyday?This is Samson climbing our screen door. He's just a few months over a year old and everyday has been an adventure with him to say the least 😂"

4. "Hello operator, what's the number for 9-1-1?"

5. Cue the Pink Panther theme song

6. "Glider SASHA303 has taken flight without clearance! 🙀✈️"

7. "When you can see the mosquito but are just out of reach"

8. "Spider-Cat, Spider-Cat / Does whatever a spider-cat can"

9. "Oh hai ... you're home early. We didn't hear you come in."

10. "Shadow Felix finally has the shadow hummingbird feeder in his grasp."

11. "This is Zanzibar's way of telling me it's time to splurge on a catio."

12. "I went outside to paint in peace. Biscuit, alas, had other ideas ... "

13. "As you can see, she's already acing the introductory course material."

14. "Fools, no jail can hold me"

15. "Climbing is overrated. Hovering is where it's at in 2020"

16. "Left my keys are work - can you let me in?"

17. This new hobby of ours is great!
