The Very Best of The Smiling Dog Challenge

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These pups are happy and they want everyone to know it. 😃 😃 😃

1. "Zero wins this one 🥺 #smilingdogchallenge"

2. "FACT: Derek is so photogenic 😊 #smilingdogchallenge"

3. "This is Oakley 🥰💕 He’s NOT a stuffed animal even though he looks like one #smilingdogchallenge"

4. "These girls were all smiles yesterday #smilingdogchallenge"

5. "My lil poser ❤️ that smile is small but it’s there 🥰 #smilingdogchallenge"

6. "Jonas had THE biggest smile all the time. Even when he was dying and no one knew. He loved life to no end. He loved us more. My Jonas and I had our photos done just 46 hours before he was laid to rest from spleen cancer last September. No idea I was hugging him for the last few times when some of these photos were taken. I know you're smiling just as big and bright at Rainbow Bridge, my love. 🌈😇💛 #smilingdogchallenge"

7. "Charlie heard there was a smiling dog challenge and wanted to be be involved. 😬 #smilingdogchallenge"

8. "This was Sam the day we brought him from the shelter. That giant pibble smile says it all. #smilingdogchallenge"

9. "Even when she's sleeping, she's still smiling 🥰 #smilingdogchallenge #happydreams"

10. "This is my baby boy Alfie and he's never not smiling. We could all use a little more of his positivity #smilingdogchallenge"

11. "Chicken throwing in the head tilt for bonus points #smilingdogchallenge"

12. "Archie B has RGF (Resting Grump Face), but somehow I was able to capture this gem 💎 😂"

13. "Jake is pleased to meet you #smilingdogchallenge"

14. “'Did you say cheese?? Ok, I smiles for that!' 😁 #nevernotsmiling"

15. "In the cone and high as heck but still smiling #smilingdogchallenge #nevernotsmiling"

16. "We went through the drive through where my daughter works and Heidi was so happy to see her!🤣 #smilingdogchallenge"

17. "Thor's innocent half smile, half smirk 😇 . He always brightens my day #smilingdogchallenge"

To see more of the #smilingdogchallenge, bounce on over to Facebook.

Video of the Day


Video of the Day