Studies have shown that looking at cute animals can lower your blood pressure. What other health benefits could it have? Who knows! The possibilities are endless. Please feel free to experiment on yourself with this carefully selected list.
1. "Kenji and his BFF Clyde found a really cool stick."
2. "I gathered you all here today..."
3. It's hard to get anything done with a co-worker this cute.
4. "...yes, he did fall off."
5. This is Coconut. She has a permanent mega blop due to having her lower jaw removed, but it doesn't bother her one bit!
6. "She smelled buttery croissants & immediately jumped in. This was her disappointed face when she found no croissants in the bag."
7. "I asked the groomer to surprise me and this is what I picked up."
8. "The vet said she’s part meerkat."
9. "My dog shreds her toys and gently carries around their eyes. If you ask her to find her eyes she will bring one for you."
Does your dog destroy all their toys? Check out our top stuffing-free toys for dogs who like to shred.
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Video of the Day