While it remains unknown if black cats are actually aware their shadowy coat offers natural camouflaging or not, there is no doubt they are expert hiders. All of which led one Facebook user in THIS CAT IS V O I D to ask the following: "Can I please see voids in their best hiding spots?"
Accompanying the prompt: A hilarious shot of their black cat (name unknown, sadly) ears peering over the rim of a bathtub.
Video of the Day
Folks in the tag group were quick to fill out the thread with snaps of their own, the best and funniest of which are curated below.
Video of the Day
1. "Here’s my Wednesday doing a sneak"
Stumped? Scroll on for the answer ...
2. "Croak the cat sat there with his head behind my dress every time we went near where it was hanging. He's very sneaky."
3. "This is Pockets under my dishwasher."
4. "My boyfriend and I were definitely panicking when we couldn’t find Loki for half an hour…"
Even after lighting this photo up in Pixlr to the max, it's still difficult to make out anything beyond their eyes.
5. "My faded Void is doing his best."
6. "Not a full void but I took this last night while I was brushing my teeth — felt like I was being watched!"
7. "Thank god for glowing eyes and a poofy tail. 😹"
8. "My Astrid opens the cabinets and then crawls into the drawer we keep dish towels in. We have to pull the towels out to get her out!"
9. "My guy swears our cat Mongo is in this picture he took of the stairs"
10. "Does my partial void count?"
11. "What are you guys watching?"
12. "One of these things is not like the other."
13. "Pandora's not very good at hiding!"
14. "Little foot goblin attacks my toes when I walk by."
15. "Hiding in plain sight or expert blender you decide."
16. "Null isn't the brightest crayon in the box. Just pretend like you can't see him. 😂"
17. "Only pack the essentials they said..."
18. "Bed monster lying in wait."
19. "Luna loves the top of the curtain pole."
20. "Where it goes, she goes."
21. "She thinks she's stealthy."
She's not wrong 🤷