15 Funny Photos That Prove Pets Are The Absolute Best

On this point, we will brook no dissent. NONE!

1. "Somehow they make it work"

"Update: This anchor bean is working HARD"

2. "Ted's unhappy we switched him to decaf."

3. "Tequila swears she doesn’t know whose paw prints I found on the counter 🤷‍♀️ 😺"

4. "We just adopted these two black kittens. The look on Leo's face is priceless 🖤🖤."

5. "My dog often picks up and carries stuff she finds in the street. This evening it was this."

"She will not release it under any circumstances"

6. "Happy Caturday everyone! My Sam! He loves this chair! 😂"


8. "Hey! wondering if anyone could put rad in some water with hippos around him 😂"

The internet is always happy to oblige.

DYING 🤣 🤣 🤣

9. "The beagle is rarely deceived by the act of splitting one biscuit into two pieces. #beaglefacts"

If looks could incinerate‎ ️‍🔥

10. "My puppy is still learning how to couch"

11. "Well this is one way to get a girl to stop working"

12. "Ears so big she can hear your thoughts"

13. "It’s just a hat my dude 🙄."

Looks sus...idk...

14. "Sonar gets around on his invisible bicycle"

15. "He only makes this face 75% of the time. His name is Banjo but I call this particular portrait Vincent Ban Jogh"

