15 Hilarious Cat Photos are Guaranteed To Make You Spit Out Your Drink

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Put that beverage down before you click into this list.

1. "Just hanging out minding my business 🤣🧡"

Go ahead, touch the belly. We dare you.


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

2. "The prophecy has been fulfilled."

His return was foretold in the ancient murals.


3. "Yes, trust me, keep walking, I'll tell you when to stop 🙈"

Big Mario riding Yoshi vibes.


4. "Cutest. Bartender. Ever."

Even if hims been drinking on the job.


5. "Lola broke the blinds climbing in and out the window. At least she will leave them alone now that she has made her window to look out 🙂🥴"

Raise your hand if you have a matching set at your house. 🙋‍♂️



6. "My photogenic baby, Frank. He LOVES the camera and he sure knows how to work it 😉📷🐱🥰"

Stealing this for my Tinder.


7. "B L O O P H A P P E N S"

Goodness, I was not ready for such a display. 🥹


8. "Crawled in my lap and passed tf out… 🐈‍⬛"

Here's hoping you don't need to get up for any reason.


9. "Nala was absolutely dumbfounded by the inside of my car today 🤯"

Nala looks very ‌tired‌. (I'll just show myself out now.)


10. "My cat showing me how her tummy feels when I'm two minutes late feeding her"

Kinda looks like one of those aquarium decorations where fish hide.

11. "Kevin doesn’t run or jump a whole lot so we thought maybe he had arthritis or joint issues. The vet checked him out today. Diagnosis: perfectly healthy, just lazy."

This is an actual photograph of me the day after the Bruins got eliminated from the playoffs.

12. "It’s amazing how cats put exactly the effort they need to do their tasks….not more….nor less….and they figure it out in nanoseconds!!!!"

[Boooooing sound effect]

13. "One cat short of a new Three Wolf Moon t-shirt meme."

Okay, who glitched the simulation?


14. "She wants the bus driver to know this is her stop."

Just stretching, nope, not stuck, why would you think that....

15. "I have no words!! Woody"

Woody's half-butterfly, half-video game controller.
