15 Cats Practicing Self-Care as Winter’s Icy Grip Draws Closer

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If there's a source of warmth nearby, these cats will find it.

1. "Our big and little spoons. They are brother(little one) and sister(bigger one). But the boy didn’t have a growth spurt due to a gastric condition. But still the best of friends!! ❤️❤️❤️"

Sometimes the source of the warms is another cat.


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Video of the Day

2. "Fireplace season is here! time to r u b b e r i z e"

3. "Caught him doing his winter warming routine! I have been waiting for this to start up again, it is too cute!"

4. "Just look at this chonker. She loves sticking her head under the box that’s there to redirect the vent heat. Omgwafc!!!"

5. "Our two Snacks are originally from Dubai so they're experiencing their first Scottish winter, and not liking it one bit 😂"

6. "Woke up to a freezing bedroom because Luna pancaked the vent and stole all the heat"

"I solved this by putting a milkcrate over the vent. Jack still get the warmth, but the heat can get through.🤔"

7. "Like any good craft barista, he wakes early to roast the beans"

8. "Valkyrie LOVES this space heater we bring out when it gets colder (we do too), but come on! What a little hog!"

9. "It's like a mini beach vacation for him 🏝️"

10. "POV: Hell freezes over, but the cold temps motivate your cat to actually use their cat bed instead of the cardboard box that came with an Amazon order."

11. "Pippin enjoying her fireplace ❤️"

12. "One surefire way to spot when it's electric blanket season 😂 'We've claimed the warm place, you're on the sofa tonight'"

13. "The cat has achieved 100% coverage of the kitchen heat vent and will not be moved by any force of man or nature"

14. "My cat sitting on a heat vent is a picture representation of my vibe for the next 5-6 months. 🧣🧤🧦"

15. "Warm tum = happy cat."