The Most Lethal Cat Breed In The World Is Deceptively Cute

This teeny cat might be absolutely adorable, but don't let its looks fool you. The black-footed cat is the smallest species of cat in Africa, as well as one of the smallest in the entire world, but their exceptional hunting abilities prove these felines are tiny but mighty. While the wild cats typically don't harm humans unprovoked, the same can't be said for smaller prey.


Per BBC WIldlife, these little cats have a 60% hunting success rate, making them the most lethal feline species in the world. This an impressive statistic when compared to their big cat counterparts, as the black-footed cat has a better killing ratio than cheetahs, leopards, and lions. Black-footed cats are carnivores, hunting and killing mostly smaller prey like bugs, birds, rodents, and reptiles.

The impressive hunting abilities of the black-footed cat

The black-footed cat lives in southern Africa, often in areas with lots of meal opportunities. The cute felines are highly dedicated to their craft, and spend an average of 70% of the night out hunting, according to the International Society for Endangered Cats (ISEC) Canada. As nocturnal cats, they only come out at night to hunt. Their night vision and pristine hearing helps them successfully hunt in the pitch black. In one evening, black-footed cats can average anywhere from 10 to 14 kills. They are such skilled hunters that in a single year, they can eat up to 3,000 rodents.


Like their domestic cousins, black-footed cats are independent creatures that tend to hunt alone. They also use similar methods to other felines, such as stalking their prey before pouncing. These petite kitties aren't afraid to put in the work, trekking up to 10 miles during their hunting adventures and making kills as often as one every half hour.

Black-footed cat traits

One look at a black-footed cat and you'd have no idea that these little guys are actually deadly hunters. Typically only weighing around 2 to 5 pounds, this cat breed stays small their entire lives. Their coats feature a spotted pattern of dark-colored dots and goldish, light brown fur. The black-footed cat has a loveable face, with one of their most distinguishing and adorable features being their big, round eyes that are typically gray-brown or amber. They also have rounded ears that are both cute and functional, helping them to hear better. 


When it comes to personality, black-footed cats are very independent and antisocial. If they happen to feel threatened, they will growl or hiss like any other cat. While black-footed cats only live in Africa, they can be found in some zoos around the United States.

