15 Cats Who Are In Big Trouble

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It's been said that cats are intuitive creatures. But it doesn't take a psychic to know when you've screwed up big time. So here are a few cats who are well aware they've crossed the line.

1. "Before you get mad...just remember that I'm not the one who chose paper windows."

2. "Lucky learned to jump on counters so decided to help making pizza😬😹"

3. "At least it only looks like blood, right guys?"

4. "Stop putting stuff on the places I like to sit."

5. "It was like this when I got here."

6. This cat who prefers his human's shoes to his bed.

7. Busted!

8. This cat is convinced he'll be invisible if he just stays frozen.

9. It's not this cat's fault an expensive laptop makes a great stepping stone.

10. This cat putting its interior design skills to the test.

11. "Friend called me hysterical thinking my cat she was sitting had escaped... a few hours later he reveals himself"

12. If a tree falls in the house and nobody is around to see it happen, does it still require consequences?

13. Meow-ilyn Monroe.

14. "I think she’s trying to tell me something."

15. "You're right, this isn't my litter box."


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