Blue Power Homemade Dog Ear Cleaner

Dogs have complex ear structure, with long, narrow and twisting canals. This structure often makes them prone to parasites and infection, especially when they have drooping outer ear flaps or long, heavy hair. Blue Power Ear Treatment can be helpful when flushing out your dog's ears, provided that no obstruction or ruptured ear membrane is present. Remember to consult with your dog's veterinarian, especially if any severe inflammation or loss of equilibrium is present.


Canine Ear Anatomy

The canine ear is comprised of three main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear consists of a fur-covered flap of skin, also called the ear flap or pinnae. Sounds flow into the ear canal through the pinnae. A dog's ear canal is very different from that of a human being's. It long and narrow, consisting of the vertical ear canal and the horizontal ear canal. These parts are connected by a nearly right-angle bend. It is this portion of the ear that can be cleansed with Blue Power Ear Cleaner.


The middle ear is separated from the horizontal ear canal by the ear drum, the vibrating membrane that transmits sounds to the bones and hairs of the middle ear, as well as the eustachian tube. The inner ear consists of structures that are responsible for the dog being able to maintain balance.

Blue Power Ear Wash

The Blue Power Ear Wash solution is formulated from three ingredients that, when combined, have been found to be effective in treating canine ear infections. It is not effective for use with obstructions and should not be used if the dog has a punctured or ruptured ear drum. As with any solution, Blue Power can cause deafness or permanent damage to the ear structure if used with a damaged ear drum.


Blue Power is made by mixing 16 ounces of isopropyl alcohol, 4 tablespoons of boric acid and 16 drops of gentian violet. A flexible plastic squeeze bottle, such as a hair dye bottle, should be used to store and dispense the solution. The solution must be shaken prior to each use, to ensure that the ingredients are properly mixed. Blue Power is used by squeezing a generous amount of the solution into the vertical ear canal, allowing the dog to shake her head to remove the excess fluid and wiping the visible portions of the pinnae and ear canal with a cotton ball to remove the remaining droplets. The gentian violet in the solution will stain clothing and perhaps even the dog's ear canal and fur.


How Blue Power Works

The alcohol that forms the base of the solution is a relatively gentle cleansing solution. It typically will not irritate the inside of the dog's ear, unless the skin of the pinnae or the ear canal is scratched. The boric acid reduces the irritation of the ear. The gentian violet is the ingredient that actually battles the infection. It is believed to be both a bactericide and a fungicide. The ear should be flushed and wiped clean twice a day for 7 to 14 days, to remove any mite infestation or other agent that is causing the irritation or infection. The ear should be flushed and wiped clean once a day for another 7 to 14 days. Once the ear is free of infection, Blue Power can be used to maintain ear health.


When Veterinary Assistance is Needed

Always have your veterinarian check your dog's ears prior to using Blue Power, especially when your dog is holding her head tilted to one side or if she seems to be clumsier than normal. You will want your veterinarian to check for the presence of foreign substances or obstructions, such as foxtails. Your veterinarian can tell you if your dog's ear drum is intact. Gentian violet should never be used if it is possible that the ear drum is ruptured or punctured, as it is potentially toxic. If the infection appears to have been treated successfully and your dog still shows irritation, your veterinarian should examine her to rule out other physical issues, such as tumors.


Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet's diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet's opinion.

