Is Gypsum Poisonous For Dogs?

Gypsum is a mineral with a wide variety of uses. It is frequently used for building materials or as a lawn care product. It is typically non-lethal to dogs, although gypsum dust can be an irritant.

The Properties of Gypsum

Gypsum is a mineral, which is ordinarily white or gray in appearance, although it may be red, brown, or yellow, as well. According to, both selenite and alabaster, the ornamental stone used in statue carving, are both forms of gypsum.


Uses of Gypsum

Gypsum is used as an ingredient in plaster, in wallboard and in fertilizer. It is also used as an ornamental stone on its own. The insulating properties and relative resistance to heat that plaster made of gypsum possesses makes it useful as a wallboard component.


Gypsum As a Lawn Fertilizer

The addition of gypsum to lawn fertilizer improves soil quality. According to, this improvement may lead to better drainage and may therefore contribute to the belief that gypsum prevents lawn damage from pet urine. Gypsum does indeed neutralize already urine-burned areas on the lawn, even if it does not necessarily prevent lawn damage.


Gypsum in Building Materials

According to "Building Your Dog Kennel and Run," gypsum is not only suitable as a secondary insulating material, but wallboard made of gypsum is suitable as protection for the primary wall insulation. The use of gypsum wallboard is particularly beneficial for use with dogs that are prone to chewing, in that fiberglass and asbestos boards could cause the dog irritation or even death if they are chewed.


Gypsum Safety Issues

Although gypsum has many beneficial uses it is not without issues. Gypsum dust can be irritating to a dog's eyes, nose and throat if it is exposed for any length of time.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet's diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet's opinion.


